
I can't possibly enjoy PLR properly in Team Fortress 2. Payload Race usually consists of two teams meeting at the middle with their payloads and having spamfest stalemates all the way through. If a map isn't symmetrical, PLR is not balanced, and if it is symmetrical, it just doesn't end. It's a terrible gametype

Is We Dare still PEGI 12?

The writer is not here... HE'S IN ALASKA!

Arguing that you're not making a game, is retarded. You're making a movie SUPPOSEDLY based on a game, and you should at least have the decency to make said movie at least remotely close to what the game actually is like.

I was reading about how preposterously difficult the complaints were describing Catherine as, and then I remembered that THIS IS AN ATLUS GAME PEOPLE, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT

#4 is uncanny

That's just the role he plays, he's not a loud mouth in his other roles, like in 30 Rock.

I have NHL 11, and I never noticed a Dynasty mode? I think it's called Be a GM in this one, and Dynasty for some others, and Franchise mode for the slightly older iterations.

(not really related to this movie rights thing)

It does seem to take a while viewing this in widescreen

The abuse was so severe, not server.

He challenges Sony to exhibit his shitty rap in the court.

When Kevin Butler is done playing Battleship, you can expect a rap response from him.

I guess dat be da word, ya heard?

Yes, but when you understand that that 10-year-old girl was nothing short of a bitch...

Yes, tell the CEO of Crytek to try harder to understand Crytek's game. *slow clap* god.