Did it cost more than 6000 dollars to make those deeply disturbing white box baby ads for PS3?
My first reaction to the first bit of artwork was not "ooh vikings" or "ooh scenery" or even "ooh mammoth that looks like a tentacle creature". It was actually "that's a fucking awesome bear."
Crytek works hard on their games and their fantastic graphics engines and then they take so much heat from pirates. With the first Crysis, the ratio between legit copies and pirated ones playing online was 1:20, and now this. CryEngine 3's editor is apparently also included with this according to the Facepunch thread.…
I thought Dead Space: Ignition wasn't even a game?
Uhm...what? Nothing is free. China does not get a free game. Free 2 Play games typically rely on microtransactions, i.e. pay for better weapons. If you want to have a nice experience, you usually need to pay to win.
Team Fortress 2, or just the Steam forum-base in general.
With all that hardcore gaming with your chin, one would think it would be manly chins shedding...
For an 11-year old, that kid is massive.
Project Ten Dollars is really great for me since I buy my games normally anyway. Thanks, used game consumers!
@AngryFork: What a twist!
@AlphaJarmel: ICC what you did thar.
For once, we're the bad guys. *puts on cool kid sunglasses*
critical, not criticxal.
The feature list includes:
Printscrn or Command+Shift+3 for the Mac users never hurt anyone.
Where the hell is Scavenger and Second Chance?
This is the internet, who the hell thought this was a good idea?
@Kolian: And remember, always try your hardest not to be black or hispanic.
@dracosummoner: It's a fantastic buddy-cop comedy that pokes fun at the buddy-cop genre itself and is absolutely hilarious.