
@bobjoe74: Mercs 1 and 2 were on totally different platform generations! They're definitely different.

I got three suggestions:

@kicking222: You just gotta be on-topic, win the crowd over and/or provide a strong opinion. Maybe all at once! I got a star four days after registering for Kotaku, it's easier then people think. Those who overlook it are typically the ones without it. Just be yourself, express your opinions, flaunt your sense of

Got a sweet deal on DJ Hero 2's party bundle, paid $40 for a new copy, came in the mail today :D

Am I the only one who finds this depressing?

"I'll take anal bum covers for 20!"

@Kantei: Why even bother leaving a comment at all? You're a star commenter, aren't your posts supposed to have a little more... substance?

When he messed up his jump near the middle of the vid, he looked heartbroken. Poor kid.

Sounds like they were engaging in their own Black Ops before stealing it


And thus the problem of C4 Suicide Tank Bombers was fixed.

Looks like BF2. I ain't complaining as I could play with the default weapons in BF2 against the higher ranked players.

I guess it's easy $2000 dollars for whoever turns it into a webcam for their PC

moe? you mean more.

The graphics do look better and the promise of more content is nice, but seriously that game had some broken sniping and single-player AI at times. If that doesn't get fixed, I have no idea what the devs perception of a successful game is.

@Taggart6: Spartan code named "Skittles". Add guns, add multiplayer, and you've just turned Kinectimals into Halo 4.

That sound design... DO WANT.

Steam crapped out on me. Thanks Valve!

@Pirandello: Sonny is about a zombie with a concscious mind and his journey to piece together his memories. It's like a reverse cliché zombie film about how an amnesia-deprived human wakes up during a zombie apocalpyse. What does that have to do with Sucker Punch again?

Since the Lugermorph was a pistol reskin, I'm pretty sure these new usable weapons are all reskins...