
@Jurec: Heavy Rain and Infamous weren't even launch titles. Sure Uncharted, but it was excellent but a little on the short side. Other than that you get "nice try but not quite" things like Resistance (I love Insomniac, but Resistance wasn't my cup of R.H.I.N.O.)

@Sam fisher's a aimbot: Well there's two sides, yeah. But I guess you can say that the other side will always be...

@Dyson: Perrrrfic.

@Golgari: The beta is still going? I for one hope they improve it considering the hit detection was terrible and map designs were counter-intuitive during my playtime with it (which admittedly was only a few hours.)

I'm hooked on Red Dead Redemption, and John got his family back and everything's all happy... I've stopped playing a few hours ago, but I feel like the story hasn't ended. It doesn't feel satisfying just doing farming missions. Is there more to it?

daaaa da da da katamari damasheeeee

TF2 update is out, all my friends got some sweet trade deals using the new items as bait for hard-earned hats. I'm still hatless.

That picture makes no sense. That zombie is in the middle of losing its head and Louis' knife is completely clean. wat

@GhostRaven: Ironic since we're talking about being able to play as cops here.

@Eggyhead85: If you're talking about the default and "Casual" aiming types in Red Dead Redemption, then yes, where holding the aim button zooms in on the closest target and locks in place (with the exception of default just zooming and leaving you to aim openly from there). It is also commonly seen in console

If I'm not mistaken a Move demonstration I saw had the press rep saying that the Move relied heavily on snap-in-snap-out aim assists so players with the Move won't feel a disadvantage in control when playing. Doesn't that mean you'd have to be auto-aiming if Move players were to join Dualshock users? :/

@Baboonski: Is it wrong that we're talking about a war game and I read "they are arguing semtex only."?

I guess the moral of these boot camps for internet addiction is this; life is a fucking roguelike.

I saw Salt (the movie, not the delicious condiment). Someone shoot me. Cannot unsee how bad that was.

@forsinain42: Eternal Darkness is one of those games that literally drives you nuts. From intentionally screwing with your character models (head falling off and all), to saying your memory card is corrupt to flipping controls, it was pretty creepy.

@papertiger3: Soldier is among the best soloing classes just because of its turret. If you just upgrade your turret, it'll do everything for you. Upgrade the amount of shots per interval, decrease cooldown, add artifact elemental damage, increase damage, give it an area of healing and ammo regeneration and give it

@DocSeuss: Well, I'm not sure if console versions got patched, but the variable for pc carries onto every gametype. I don't ever recall having a fire being put out. *shrugs*

YES more single-player content. I always liked the familiar MacFarlane ranch, and Marshall is a pretty cool guy.