
I guess Valve has to do SOMETHING to make more money with such a popular game that's 3 years old. At least they finally got the goddamn trading system down.

@DocSeuss: Nerd here. Console variables define that tanks are killed within 40 seconds of catching on fire, despite having more health than that.

One-more-turn-itis is infecting all of my friends. I have a gaming backlog to fall back on and give me an excuse to not play Civ V. Who else is a survivor?

@Michael Dukakis: Raise arms into air, straight aligned with shoulders: Check

@Jorvid: Star Wars Battlefront 3 was in the hands of Free Radical Design (Timesplitters), but it got canned with Free Radical after they released Haze, which was an epic fail financially and from the gamer's perspective.

@Andy_Anonymous: Yeah, but this is promising new hardware with potential, and you're telling me I can do stuff, but only for a little bit? It's not a matter of immovable, it's a matter of "okay, you can move this, but after a few times you can't".

@TimeNeverRests (PS1): I guess people loved it while I thought it was just a sort of thing that was so bad it was hilarious. I got into MGS with the Anthology collection pack for PS2, and I didn't know what to expect after I beat the first two games then moved onto the third. When it came to that part where I climbed

Nintendo solves a problem by fixing it, and then breaking it by restricting the solution. What.

I'm sure it's secretly a plot to find all the pedophiles with ridiculous micro and typing speed when playing online.

What a thrill...

Here's a

I never did get the original box-art of Red Dead Redemption. Is that supposed to be John Marston? Cause he looks way meaner and evil than that of my Marston in-game :/

@ThisIs3Sick: But even then, isn't there a really small patch size limit for XBLA games? I know for retail games the limit is much more (as we've seen several hundred MB patches in the past from games like Bad Company 2)

@ZeroDown88: Isn't there specifically a leftie control scheme that just flips the regular one?

@vidhagans: I like that name. "Some Kind of Pixel Orgy"

@Dwight-K-Schrute: I totally get what you mean. It is a gimmick, but if in terms of sales the Wii really dominated for a while, and is quite prominent. The gimmick is so important that even now Sony and Microsoft are cashing in. I guess motion controls are not for everybody. *shrugs*

@Neige: I also state that I know they stated what they think the big 3 are and that Wii isn't mentioned, thus proving that I have read the article, at least read up until that point. Read it.

@Jamie Harvison: So... download something broken to fix it? I don't think installing a game works by taking large puzzle-piece chunks out of it and putting it back together with patches, not for consoles at least. It can be done with .rars and .zips or multi-disk installs on PC sure, but I'm not sure for consoles :/

I like how they say they support the big 3 and proceed to leave the Wii unnamed. And thus, the lesser known fanboy slamming begun...