
Ooh, I make a similar shake, especially on work out days. Hold the coconut, ginger, and regular milk as those are recipes for disaster with me. Unsweetened vanilla almond milk instead :) Add some cinnamon (which is good for inflammation, fyi) instead of turmeric. Barney smooth almond butter, plant-based protein powder

I don’t follow sports; can someone explain this man’s hair? Please and thank you.

I’m no expert, but these two have some very interesting body language.

Fuck off, troll.

I understand the importance of this study, to some degree, but it just seems like common sense. Cisgender people understand their gender identity from an early age, so it makes sense that transgender people do as well.

I live in the area and was considering buying a home in Woodlawn. When I heard about this library being built, my heart sank. There goes the neighborhood. It’s already gentrifying. “Forever President” or not, the Obamas’ track record for ushering in substantive change for black south side residents leaves a hell of a

And yet here you are. 

Sounds like a gang initiation. Pick random victim, beat the shit out of him, make it to the next level, or some similar twisted cop shit. The police are fucking scary.

It was always offensive, especially when you break the word down. 

...since Columbus first stepped in America

Lots of vague “concern” going around. No direct words of sympathy toward this boy and the brutality he endured. No outright condemnation of the officer’s actions. No firing. No arrest. No charges. Just a paid vacation until the smoke clears. This is the world black children are born into.

Most of the major decision-makers in the state of Illinois are liberal Democrats currently. There’s been a campaign of butt-hurt white dudes trying to unseat Kim Foxx since Jussie-gate. Bill Conway, a white Democrat, is already pushing out ads with the best “awe shucks” boy scout act money can buy. In blue states like

Could just be a shadow. We’ll probably never know since they’re receiving the benefit and protection of blurring.

Police, aided by county and state prosecutors, are notoriously good at making charges stick to just about anyone. We’ve seen this happen time and time and time again. They are also notoriously good at never admitting their wrongdoings and avoiding legal ramifications for their evil deeds.

Michael, did you piss the sound mixer off? What happened to your LAV? 

Literally typing between bites right now. So thank you!

This is outrageous. And, despite admitting wrong-doing, I’m sure no disciplinary action will be taken on the idiot staff involved. 

File under: Jezeroot.

Yaaaay! I’m still mad at myself for losing my copy of One In A Million back in the day. Can’t wait to take a trip down memory lane :)