
This isn’t my own story, but my dad’s - and my dad isn’t a liar. He’s experienced a lot of wild things taking odd jobs out on the road throughout his twenties, but this story happened right in my Indiana hometown when my mom was pregnant with my older sister. We lived in the country, and there was a hairpin turn on

Ghosts in the Walls”

My mom grew up in a small farm in the middle-of-nowhere northwestern Minnesota. Her dad died before I was born, but I regularly visited her mom (my grandmother) still living at the farm, until she passed when I was a teenager. My grandmother was the prototypical Great Depression-forged Midwest farm wife of Norwegian

Back in 2011 I spent 6 months studying abroad in Cape Town, SA. It was largely a great experience, but at least at that time the amount of violence against women was incredibly high. We were constantly warned by program admins to be on guard when we traveled around, but of course being 20 years old I didn’t take their

Not sure if anyone will see this, but here’s something that happened to me about five months ago—two things, actually, separated by about three weeks. The first part is magical and strange, the second part is terrifying. I live in India and these two events took place during our second hard lockdown back in May. We

Quite a few years ago, I was in a very bad relationship with a guy who we will call B. He was all around wrong for me, but I was young and of course I thought I could change him. We had already been dating for a while when I began to suspect he was into some....bad endeavors. Anyway, the final straw came when I found

I have this story because I like true crime podcasts.

I am neither rich nor famous (don’t let the Grammy nom fool you; no one pays you shit for that—which is why you rock the honor in perpetuity), yet I report on wage inequity regularly (likely because I experience it). Even $40K extra a year would be a game-changer for me, as it would be for the vast majority of

Ooof -this is the only thing I’m side eyeing Janet for. Like girl, you can complain about getting paid but the cheating and stuff...

Angel, I know you can’t hear me, and probably will never see this but: You deserve way better than that airing of laundry and the person who betrayed you then told the world about it while simultaneously demanding YOU to be loyal to HER.

Oh word? Who running the studios to give out the jobs they fighting for? Mediocre robots?

White guys hiring each other over a beer and a handshake but try to hire another black person and all of a sudden the hiring committee needs a full resume verification and three interviews before they decide to put the hire on hold an re-evaluate the position.

Ray Fisher was fucked the second he took that gig, and nothing he could have done or said would have mattered.

Please don’t do this dance. That AOC tweet was when Trump pushed back on the stimulus bill saying that $600 wasn’t enough for the people. That’s why AOC noted that she had the legislation already drawn up and ready to go. She was trying to get the people $2,000 then. Biden didn’t say that he was extending this talk.

There are certainly plenty of folk involved with open racists, but given what we know of Gregory Alan Bush Sr., it wouldn’t shock me if through some combination of mental illness cycles, intermittent treatment and classic abuser behaviors, his ex-wife wasn’t legitimately fooled into the marriage. Personally, I can’t

Kanye admitted to liposuction because he got tired of the fat jokes. He didn’t catch this type of attention either.

It’s been rumored that LL and Drake have done stuff like this as well as having abs and pecs “inserted” yet I must’ve missed the homophobic/femme-phobic vibe and the assumption that they’re not masculine or hetero as a result.

I demand you take down that camera looking over the hen house.

Team No One. Not one. No masks, no social distancing, that turtleneck, that TI-like monologue, the whole damn mixed message of the restaurant, annoying brunch twitter,  and why would I want to watch someone with a heavy filter and a dizzy stars halo chewing with a mouf full of food?