Conspicuously absent from that cover is O.J. Simpson’s name, the “The Killer” is a nice touch. Can’t be mad at ‘em.
Girl, yes. She hit the lottery and I can’t even be mad. You do you, Lisa Bonet. Keep that karma and that energy clean, and live to ride Jason Momoa another day.
Yeah most people, regardless of class, tend to date and marry within their own class. There are a variety of reason for this, but mostly it has to do with social circles and what sort of lifestyle a person envisions for themselves. And, setting aside education and thinking only about intelligence (because they are not…
Thank you so much for saying everything I wanted to say on this matter. Saved me the trouble.
What are you on about? At 18 years of age, they qualify as adults. Infantilizing these assholes won’t make people like Chisango feel less terrified.
As a Gen-Y millennial (an “older”, early 30s millennial), I can attest that it is still a thing. I notice that many of my contemporaries, like me, are open to dating non-black men, but that doesn’t lessen the effects of misogynoir. Black men are still preferred, because you can’t beat that cultural connection, but…
Good lord, I’ll take the pair!
I’m all too familiar with the financial state of “broke ass”, but I’ve always maintained my dignity and self-respect and, thusly, have never ever considered concocting something this abysmal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I know this is entirely besides the point, but Lewis Hamilton is gorgeous. A beautiful black man who has the gall to excel in a white dominated industry? Of course this makes white folks lose their ever-loving minds.
LOL, that is way off. It’s like they want people to go out into the world and embarrass themselves.
An unintentional joke. I’m sure our friends at Jezebel will eventually deem it “satire”.
Can’t be. It’s too obscene.
This would make a good entry for JezeRoot.
I’m trying hard to figure out what’s on that plate in the photo bottom row middle. I’m struggling here. Someone please halp.
I haven’t seen the video, so I’ll take your word for it.
I would like this more if Darwin himself weren’t such a terrible racist.
That’s the last time I google anything you suggest.