
I’d wondered about this. Thanks for saving me the trouble.


Well damn. I’m jealous of all you folks who were banned. They never even let me out of the grays. This is sure to be an interesting social experiment...

I actually had to google this because I want to make sure I understand the rules. From the Grammy website, they addressed this question last year, stating:

*grabs popcorn*

You and I have very different experiences.

Good question. We don’t know how she identifies racially, but we shouldn’t negate her experience as a latinx person.

I’m less concerned with these white and Hispanic kids (I don’t know what race any of them identify as), and more concerned with how white “liberal” adults are falling all over themselves to support these kids while remaining sheepishly silent when black kids fight for liberation. The white liberal adults are the ones

*drools at the thought of cherry pierogi with a dab of sweet cream*

He definitely faulted on that first call. I can’t really see the second call from this angle. Nevertheless, his behavior is wholly inappropriate and I despise the fact that the audience is placating and encouraging him by cheering and clapping as he acts like an entitled brat.

My favorite track off the album is “Normal Girl”, and now I find these lyrics are even more poignant:

The most glaring piece of information missing from this story is what sort of justice was served. The Vice article doesn’t go into it at all (I didn’t watch the video). I’d very much like to know what happened to the white family that committed these atrocities.

Surprise her with a refill of one her favorite brands/shade. It’s the little things ;-)


Taye Diggs is a classic case of an objectively attractive man who makes himself completely unappealing by opening his mouth. And he can’t act worth a damn. It’s a mystery to me how he’s gotten this far.

I love this gif, and I want to know how both of these men recover.

He’s “unemployable” because he’s outed himself as an utterly worthless and repulsive human being. Who’d want to hire such a litigious leech?

Ooh, I’m going to check out some of these brands the next time I’m at Target.


*scrubs eyeballs with bleach*