
As I was reading all of those highly irrelevant tangents I found myself thinking “how did we get here? The premise of this article is how this poor dude winds up inexplicably inside of a Target store and purchases things he hadn’t intended to...oh.” Well played.

I can’t believe that I find myself actually rooting for the FBI these days. What a time to be alive.

Okay, you’re definitely trolling.

“2a. She put her stuff down to throw down... so cuz she has a vagina and he has a penis they can’t fight?”

Seriously, gtfo with that #notallblackmen bs. There are multiple examples of black men idling on the sidelines or, even worse, being flat out entertained when they witness violence against black women.

“This needs to be repeated over and over again.”

Gay agenda = being super duper productive, but only after brunch?

“Dr. Oz as Surgeon General”

I’m still wondering how she is qualified. Just because we have a literal clown in the white house — a walking talking parody of a slapstick comedy villain — doesn’t mean we should keep the bar set low. Oprah is charismatic, and admirable, and talented, and wise (though not infallible); but can we get back to folks who

Can we make 2018 the year of “might cry two tears in a bucket, fuck it” for conservatives and Republican turncoats? Lets take it to the stage.


I don’t support the Olympics in general because of the way they exploit the resources of host cities which inevitably screws over the poorest and most disenfranchised residents the most. That said, I’m rooting for everyone black and will tune in to this event!


You can get the citrus zest in one go with Tajin:

It’s only fitting that an old, wealthy white man lead the charge in bringing down another old, wealthy white man instead of expecting poor people of color to do all the heavy lifting. I support Tom Steyer (but not with my money ‘cause I don’t have any and he doesn’t need it).

You make a really good point. If we think about the ways in which being present helps our creative aspirations, it might be much easier to do. Packaging social events as an investment in ourselves and our careers helps to muster a bit of courage. And, who knows, we might get something more out of it too!

I can totally relate to the getting out of your comfort zone, as an awkward homebody myself. I go back and forth with whether or not this is a problem. I do cherish alone time and sometimes people are exhausting. I do also love people and would like to build more meaningful relationships, which might inevitably mean,

I hear you. As for DACA, do note that people of the African diaspora also benefit from DACA.

Florida is a great place to start. Cubans perplex me too. I’ve only met a handful of Cuban Americans who seem to “get it” with regards to race relations. Even some of the black Cubans I’ve met are a little confused.

Snow builds character!