
Word. There are some internet folks (Love Life of an Asian Guy, for instance) who do dedicate time and effort toward dismantling anti-blackness in their own communities, but there doesn’t seem to be a widespread movement.

“Our only allies are each other.”

*grabs her popcorn and a life raft as the floodgates open*

“Sorry to burst your bubble but the fires are out...”


I think we’re saying the same thing? I don’t think the onus is on us (black folks), but I do think some of us have a blindspot for anti-blackness in NBPOC communities because those communities are perceived to have less structural power. But that perception is damaging, and we should be weary of all forms of

The Fernandez part of this story doesn’t surprise me at all. In 2018, can we (black folk) call out the anti-blackness in Hispanic and Asian communities more often? Shit is not going to get any better as long as folks can benefit from black struggle and culture, stamp themselves with the POC label and then take their

No amount of exercise will make you less of a piece of shit.


The Asian kid is unfazed, side-eyeing his comrades like “white superiority my ass”. Haha.

What a cutie.

The first thing I thought when I saw this viral video was “who filmed that?” And then the second question I started to ask myself when I learned that the mother filmed it was “why would she post that on the interne...oh, I see...”

It’s a sad reflection of the human condition when one can soundly argue that a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad person was the only thing standing in the way of a conglomerate of evil bastards enslaving people. Like, how did we get here? I mean, Gaddafi was so evil that he literally looked like a demon wearing an

As a woman who dropped 75 pounds by first walking, then walking/light jogging, then jogging, then running adding mile after mile, I salute you and your drive. While no one ever said anything disparaging directly to me while I was working out (not that I would notice, ‘cause headphones), I did trot past some folks who

In fairness, that was the only takeaway that you took time to actually present to readers.

You beat me to it. Thanks!

This is awful. What can we do as American citizens to help? Is there anyone representing the government of the United States who might give a damn about this problem that we can appeal to?

And college, and clothes, and (birthday) cake, and...and...trying to think of other “C” words...

Good. Can’t be mad, and won’t be mad. Let’s hope this makes a positive impression on her little sisters.

I cannot respect the opinion of person who refers to women as “females”.