
What? I love Kermit. You’re the Kermit hater, Kermit hater!

Wow. Hating on Bunsen AND Beaker? This guy obviously hates science. Must be a creationist.

Beaker is tits.

WALDORF: This list isn’t half bad.

My reaction to this list:

Also funny — birth control wouldn’t help with, cough, immaculate conception.

Looks like my proposal of keeping the extra point where it was but requiring the fattest guy on the team to kick it was unceremoniously shot down.

Her face is just his face, but smaller. It’s sort of unsettling.

Doesn’t have a team built around him?? What does “having a team built around him” actually mean if Ronaldo DOESNT have one and messi does??

if youre pegging the pitcher you’re doing it wrong

Hmm...that’s a good question. Persian is one cat language I don’t know. Or would it be Fursi? (I’ll show myself out)

A young man tourist stopped at a local restaurant after a day of exploring Feria de San Isidro. While sipping his tequila, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious-looking platter being served at the next table. It looked good. It smelled good. He asked the waiter, “What is that you just served?”

For real? Chris Webber is one of the best young analysts in the game. In games he calls, he provides terrific insight. Rose has just gotten a big head over the past few from being on the Mothership so much...

They look exactly like the kind of person you’d expect to think the whole FintheP thing is funny.

At all.

I know this is crazy but there was an incident with a suitemate in college. Long story short, she was bipolar, went off her meds and refused to take them again. She even tried to harm one of us. Every single one of us went to the administration informing them of her erratic behavior and requesting that she be removed

that is more reddit being stupid, which is why you have kids and people with the brains of kids doing it.

That follow thru spine angle...perfect

He’s a hybrid of all the worst parts of both blue and red-state types.