Totally thought this article was going to be about Jose Bautista's computer savvy progeny taking aim at their dad's critics.
I can't get rid of the things myself. I use them as trashbag liners for the bathrooms in my house.
I love this video.
Shameful thuggery. Now kids can't wear green or orange without fearing gang violence.
Not only is a woman on the panel talking about sports things, she is the HOST OF THE SHOW.
please stop comparing pot to alcohol.
Well I've never been in traffic and gotten out of my car in a rage while being "impaired" by some devils lettuce.
Later in the game the fans appeared to be doing not much of anything, but they were actually imitating B.J. Upton.
The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Presented by Tustin has a nice ring to it
This argument makes very little sense. There are many, many injustices in the world, and there is no rule that we must address them starting with most to least grievous. If so, we fall down this slippery slope to a place where the only thing we are allowed to criticize is murder, or genocide. I mean, it sounds dumb,…
Respectfully disagree. My assumption is they would have framed it as a tragedy involving a man who had done so much (whatever that was) to change his life and distance himself from a 'troubled' past.
Explain how starting a website to invent names for aborted fetuses is or leads to intelligent discourse and I might consider that it's bad to troll this shit. Forced-birthers are trolls. Maybe not all of them, but a lot of them and there the ones who come up with this bullshit, who come up with billboards that declare…
What am I missing? It sounds like they're holding a town hall directed at building positive relationships with the minority community...?
When my daughter was four she asked what her "front butt" was called. And I told her that it was her labia. And she said, "LABIA?!!? THAT'S a STUPID name! I'm gunna call it HOT LAVA instead." After I died from trying to choke back the laughter, I reminded her we don't say stupid.
We've always used the proper terms with our kiddo (I'm a biologist, I'm not going to call it a wee-wee or a hoo-haa or whatever). She was then told by other kids she was saying "bad words." Her teacher started to tell her not to say those and she proudly said "My mommy says those are the right words and not to use…
But Keith Olberman writes entertaining, sarcastic copy and has a decent delivery. He knows a lot about baseball. It's funny to hear him rip into pompous asses and their boosters. You might think he's a pompous ass himself. Fine, then come up with an entertaining way of making fun of him instead of whining about how…
Seriously people its a kid, a tiny kid, kids act out, the parents are egging her on for a laugh shes not going to turn out to be a violent psycho or nothing, for fecks sake what a bunch of dryshites.