Steve still sounds better than "Ham-ezz" which is how he pronounces his name.
Steve still sounds better than "Ham-ezz" which is how he pronounces his name.
Well, at least he'll be in a town where he can get a decent lager instead of some shitty and nasty IPA shitbrew being pawned off as beer.
I was going to be polite, but fuck you, eat your fucking crow
I know, I had the same reaction and it could be totally unfair, she could be forced to endure a shift with Dr. Fuck Cakes.
I understand it may not be the norm, but doctors in Canada are just as free to decline contraception as doctors in the US. Also, google is your friend
yeah, Canada fucking rocks when it comes to women's health, rock on, Canada
She needs to be lampooned, she's a joke with the talent of a croaking bullfrog
Are they going to erect trade barriers to prevent importation? Will they find that too much will engorge the market and force prices to shrivel up? Will the importation lead to a climax of couples rushing to clinics to buy the supply?
Number two, Van Persie scored a goal that will among the all-time greats in the opener
True, plus her eyes and her pony tails are far too much for me I was melting the moment I started watching
As an Uncle 11 times over and a Great Uncle three times I would have been horribly lenient in that situation
Oh yes.
for shit talking her teammates off the field (after the US lost to Brazil 4-0 in the 2007 World Cup, she told reporters that she would have made the saves her teammate Briana Scurry missed).
Go blow a goat
That's OK I am confused too, I find the entire article silly so let's drink beer instead.
Huh? The author said she made men look silly. Only one photo is black and white and other than serving as a reminder that smoking cigarettes is a stupid thing to do (I know, I used to smoke) she looks like someone mimicking others while looking pretty silly.
How does she make the men look silly? She looks foolish mimicking others, but I fail to see how the men being mimicked look silly.
You are so adorable, I love your online commenting passion, you must be kick ass in the freshmen dorms. You keep rocking on, activist
I was just answering honestly, I was not looking for an indie drama that is written and directed by and starring Asian Americans