well, you can probably fit a bigger battery if you didn't worry about the mechanisms for removing the battery.
well, you can probably fit a bigger battery if you didn't worry about the mechanisms for removing the battery.
as an iphone user, I'm expressing my curiosity.
i think they should just do the european thing and what the metrostars did and not go by a city team name.... just be Cosmos FC
microsoft has come a long way from its days as a leading software producer
yes, what i should've put is fire foxconn. you can't fire a country!
except... consumers pay a subsidized price.
or do what bmw did and open a plant in the south. florida is a right to work state and unions are basically pointless
where do you think i got the $65 from?
so when they build new machines for new form factors... they can't build them here?
$65 increase in price is not going to hurt them.
somehow, i doubt its going to cost 350 extra to make in the us.
8% unemployment... no one is willing to put the workmanship of a 15 year old chinese girl... just because we don't manufacture iphone, doesn't mean we can't.
how was that an appropriate response to what i said?
again, was i insulting you?
it's not an actual figure. i just added $100 to the price of the iPhone
That was supposed to be my whole point, but I guess I'm an idiot because I know nothing about supply chains and manufacturing.
I'd like you to name a single technology gadget made in the US
we do have interns and welfare-to-work...
i didn't disagree, i said it was insightful.