
Man named Dick Fiddler: I demand you respect where I came from.

Poutine on the fritz

Let’s all hope this is the beginning of a long and bitter rivalry between the city of Montreal and the entire state of Kansas.

May not have been caused by an illness.

No snark, Hannah Storm handles these unfortunate and unenviable reports with aplomb, striking just the right balance of professionalism and humanism.

If Puig keeps up this pace it shouldn’t be long before we see him in AA.

Who are the people in the world that watch this and think it’s good? It’s awful, awful. I’ve never been able to get past :40 without being filled with hate.

Now playing

You’ll be okay Albert. The Holderness family is still awful. Exhibit fucking A:

If it makes you feel any better, Albert, there’s no way that dude’s wife isn’t fucking around on him.

Go fuck yourselves.

The “YNPA” hand movements were especially embarrassing.

Counterpoint: Deadspin doesn’t have too much soccer, but Deadspin soccer posts could each be approximately 80% shorter. Someone get Billy an editor.

Nah son. In the fall, footy coverage mitigates the insufferable amount of NFL coverage on Deadspin. Outside of the Jamboroo, the NFL is doodoo.

Those are pass throughs, either from Joliet or southern Wisconsin

I was taking a flight back to Chicago last year when I see Dan Hampton in line for the same flight. He has his buddy go tell the airline gate agent to make an announcement that he was there. Everyone in our gate clapped and he waved like he was surprised it happened. I walked past him on the plane later and he had

“What an amazing tribute.” - Dan Snyder

Still better than the logo of the National Association of Police Organizations

This headline is not representative of the story. This stadium would be for the Raiders.