
So fine coaches for doing something within the rules? On what planet does that make more sense than just changing the rule?

I wouldn’t consider him quiet or unassuming.

I don’t have an alma mater, but also, the sports themselves largely suck at the college level. I think that’s easily overlooked if you have a rooting interest, but for somebody like me, the play is wayyyyy too crappy to overcome my issues with the NCAA.

You, apparently!

I mean, if you generally like IPAs this is perfectly reasonable behavior!

What is “shadow banning”? Are we supposed to post an announcement on the front of the site? You figure people who get their disposable Kinja accounts banned deserve some detailed explanation of why?

Clearly not you.

See, now I’m just going to ban you again.

I go to the Bautista article at least once a month just to laugh at “Take that Brian McCann you fat fuck.”

grouping all IPAs together is ridiculous. a hoppy beer is going to taste wildly different depending on what breed of hops were used. So you have some IPAs that are really good (Cigar City Jai-Alai) and some that are awful (most of the others).

What’s with the euphemisms instead of stating the outright the dumb thing you said that got you banned?

humidity. don’t mind sweating but hate the feeling of walking through air and the air pushes back

Bat Flip or get the fuck out.

February’s lucky it has the Super Bowl.

The Cubs. I know that’s lame but fuck it.

All funnel cake is bad.

From an advanced stats point of view, wouldn’t it be better if Jimmy Butler, Rajon Rondo, and Dwyane Wade were fused together with science so that they weren’t three players but one player and instead of ending in normal human feet, Jimmy Butler’s legs ended in the tops of Rondo and Wade’s skulls so that Rondo and

Definitely 1989. My dad woke me up at 4a.m. and we drove way way out into the country. He told me to get out of the car. He said I had to survive in the woods, alone, and catch myself a wild football and that I wasn’t to return until I had caught a football worthy of being sacrificed during Sunday mass. It was a wild

You mean the clap that Iceland “stole”?

I just helped you sell 50,000 more copies. You’re welcome.