
I imagine they do, but I have no idea how you tell which of the reported deaths are the miniscule number of deaths legitimately caused by vaccines from all the bullshit reports.

I have no idea. It’s horrible.

Right? But doctors are only in it for the money.

You’re kidding, but...

Not only do most of them not believe in herd immunity, some of them don’t even believe in the germ theory of disease. I wish I were kidding.

Google “MMS autism”. There are parents giving their children multiple enemas a day with a bleach solution.

They’re the only ones who matter, so of course the rules shouldn’t apply to them!

Have you been stalked? Have your kids been targeted? Have people tried to get you fired (which would at least make a little sense, since an anti-science nurse probably isn’t that effective)? Do me a favor. Read 100 comments on Ant-Vax Wall of Shame’s page and 100 comments on Vaccine Resistance Movement’s page and then

They also believe chemtrails control the weather. It’s amazing how many times I’ve read on these anti-vax sites that the government could make it rain in Claifornia, but are choosing not to.

Here’s a particularly charming use of the word retard by an anti-vaxxer. All the pro-science pages I follow prohibit it.

That’s your takeaway? Really? Not, “Why is an adult harassing an 11-year-old online with threats, lies, and profanity?”

Yes. Yes they do.

Which is why no one ever got VPDs before vaccines were developed. Oh, wait.... Logic is not their forte, is it?

VAERS is self-reported. Some of the reported deaths are literally things like a car accident on the way home from the dcotor’s office.

The MMS people all need to go to prison for a long, long time.

And the severely autistic kids weren’t in school at all because they were routinely institutionalized.

This is the kind of parent we’re talking about. He calls his own son a “retard”. That poor kid.

Just to prove he could, a researcher once reported “Turned into the Incredible Hulk” as a vaccine ‘adverse event’. Sure enough, it made it onto the database.

It’s interesting that each disease was eridicated around the same time the vaccine was introduced. I didn’t know that nutrition and sanitation were so selective that way.

This is an good example of what the anti-vaxxers believe. They are completely delusional. (And no, I have no idea what he means by “quantum waves”.)