Hoy! Lip buddy pawnch!

Wouldn’t it be the other way around?

This... This can’t be real right?

I didn’t know Mazda made TVs.

Electrical, sensors, ecu’s. Stuff that breaks a lot in Hondas. No thanks.

I’ll keep it short. I bought one Money Pit that’s been sitting for almost 15 years. I was itching for something that works and drives so I bought two more Money Pit automobiles.

To Nathan:
Get a box and
Step 1: Cut a hole in the box
Step 2: ...

Gumball Golden Rule. "Turn down for what!?!"

I’m surprised as well that they stopped in the intersection blocking cross traffic and to let pedestrians cross. Are you sure you're not a Mustang?

Speed. If not for that monkey on your back then it’s the other monkey on your back.

Easier said than done. There aren’t as many factory teams since costs are still $$$. Homologation is expensive and not always profitable. Trust me I love some WRC action but the more costs added to the equation means less teams. Not a lot of factory teams going to WRC for love of the sport.

You could have them run an autocross but they'd rather run the Gumball.

Dang. That tumbled faster than... Oh wait...

Bun B sounds like an ointment. You can guess where it goes.

Bun B? Jesus rap is lazy...

I respect a person who can eat crow.

Buy American! *shops at Walmart*

Lol! Americans want a cheap, reliable and quickly produced products. Pick two because you’re not getting all three. We are feeding the cycle.


Broken before use. That's pretty accurate if you ask me.