
War is slowly but surely becoming extinct, at least here in the US. The public has spoken and we just don’t want to solve our problems that way anymore as the cost of life is too highThus Russia is reforming the soviet union and we just impose sanctions.

We need a new pronoun for trans people besides “they”   It sounds like either you are talking about multiple people or an object or creature.   Someone please get on that.   

Except it never did so.....

ROTFLMAO Star Wars better... yeah right. Star Trek has 13 films, most of which are at least good and over 300 hours of quality tv programming. Star Wars has about 2 and a half good films and the Mandalorian. Both are good franchises but Star Wars simply can’t measure up to Trek in both quality and quantity. Also Star

I would agree with her completely...except.... no you are a tv personality now and thus you are literally a corporate object and objectifying you, be it as a sexual object, a bad stereotype or some other demeaning character is exactly what you get paid for. Some actors get a job because they are talented sure, but

Yes Wendy’s sells good food at a reasonable price and instead of wasting their money on annoying commercials they hire a team of young people and literally pay them to post sick burns on the net. Damn them, damn them straight to hell!

Younger gamers just don’t get it. Speaking as a 42 year old man(child) I can tell you that our generation grew up in a unique situation where the technology was maturing as we were. Video games were in their infancy when we were in our infancy. When we hit those teen/tween years the radical 90's battle between the

Team xecuter sold mod chips... they didn’t sell cracks to games or pirated software. Are we going to go after crowbar manufacturers on charges of burglary next? How this held up in court has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with the average judge/jury being too stupid to even fully understand the

The N64 controller is fantastic. Unlike modern controllers it doesn’t delegate either the d-pad or left thumbstick to bad ergonomics where you have to awkwardly bend your thumb down to reach one of them. Instead they each get a dedicated “shoulder” to hold onto making it quite comfortable. Honestly if it had another

I love how Kotaku, who has been faithfully reporting on this console since it’s inception, like it is a legitimate console with any chance of release while the cu-podcast has been warning people about this shill of a farce since almost day one. Maybe you guys should hire Pat and Ian so some real journalists could

I get your point but “no reasonable person” is no longer an extreme minority of the population.   I mean you’ve heard of republicans right?

So I keep pushing the monies against my switch screen but dread isn’t coming out... should I call tech support?

^This^ Castlevania Symphony of the Night came much, much later and added zero elements to the already established metroid gameplay. They are metroid games, not metroidvania as castlevania didn’t do shit.  

Correct... now if Fox made a brawl game......   Batman vs X-men vs TMNT vs the Tick!

Agreed. Personally I was looking for the “Super Metroid” Axiom Verge 2.

I agree. It’s not even the pixelized aesthetic so much as it is the insistence on doing psuedo-8-bit, which severely limits the color palette and sprite resolution. You know developers, we got 2d pixelized graphics in 32 bit too.

I have no clue why the author of this article is hatin’ so much. Frogger is prefectly suited for a gameshow. I’ve always said shows like wipeout and ninja warrior should just go the extra mile and license a videogame since they are basically platformers in real life. I was kind of hoping for a Super Mario themed game

If you look at the chart the real thing that can be gleamed is that nothing good has been released in the past few years.   Most of the games on that list are at least a year old... the reason Nintendo is doing better is because they make timeless games.   XBSX and PS5 seem to be dead in the water atm.   

Dat video.   Remember when all the coolest stuff was made or distributed by Sears?   Good times.  

Kotaku this thing is garbage vaporware peddled by an idiot ceo that has been caught lying multiple times. Also even if the console delivers as promised (doubtful) it’s a glorified mobile phone game system that retails for a ridiculously high price tag. It’s junk so please stop covering this thing like it is a