
Yeah I was going to defend the idiot until I saw the cut out of the king of idiots in his office. At this point I find Trump’s continued existence on this planet offensive considering all the people he’s gotten killed, much less having to see an image of him.

I just can’t believe somebody fucked Goku.  He’s a perpetual 8 year old mentally.   It’s like that lady that fucks the 12 year old boy in big.... yeah he looks like a man but he’s obviously not.   Chi Chi must be really screwed up in the head.   

Now hold up.   Sub-par acting in the Mortal Kombat movie?   Did we watch the same thing?   Hallo babi... id you miss me?   The acting was great from all the actors except Christopher Lambert and somehow that even works.   

As a native West Virginian here is what Manchin is doing.... we are a native red state these days by far and he’s the lone democrat with any power here. He did something republican voters would be in favor of right after the election to “remind them” that he’s a moderate. He’ll pull the same stunt right before the

Now to any conservatives reading this news blurb I want to point out that not a single republican voted for this bill. Yeah it’s not perfect but they didn’t think REDUCING CHILD POVERTY IN HALF was worth the bit of pork. That’s the republican party you vote for... they say they want to help people, unless it’ll cost

You are a man-child.   Welcome to the club true believer.... we get the snu snu AND all the cool toys.   

Ok folks here’s the deal. In the history of Nintendo they have NEVER released truly new hardware until *gasp* the old hardware stops making them money. The OG gameboy was around for like 10 years even though they had the gameboy color ready to go. Why? Wellat a certain point it’s lifespan the gameboy became dirt cheap

The perfect lures if you’ve gotta catch em’ all!   ....... *crickets*

Somehow she looks more attractive now than she did then and she was smoking hot then. This trend of women dying their hair red started with her. They all secretly want to look as fine as Dana Scully.

Eh have they seen the “brightest day” though? As a white guy here is the problem with that argument. Look at the pic associated with this article.... only one of those heroes is an original work..... the others are simply derivatives of other, arguably better superheroes with the ethnicity and sometimes gender changed

Actually the afterburner deluxe only moves on one axis (tilts forwards and backwards) The side to side movement you see in the shot is done via creative camera work. The flight stick did shake though.

I still say that Remote Control is due for a comeback.   It’s a clip-based gameshow and we now live in an age of nothing but clips!   With streaming services, the old youtube, twitter and the internet in general think of all the wacky categories they could do now.   Memes alone would warrant their own segment in the

You’ve never heard the overused parable of the scorpion and the frog?   You don’t have time for video games.... go back to school and become smarter.

Dude no!  What did the sun ever do to you?    With him inside it’d probably radiate waves of bullshit for all eternity.

Anyone that makes a living on the backs of people they hurt with their lies deserves to slowly die of cancer. I find it particularly ironic that the lungs that spewed so much hate in my lifetime betrayed him to cancer and were his undoing. I wonder if a super majority is needed to vote to remove a persons medal of

Same thing happened to me.   Here’s what is happening I think.   the bear appears directly above the underground chamber where you are supposed to fight him.   The game probably stores him in an unused portion of the map until it’s time to fight but some dink messed up the Z axis, so he’s appearing above the

I don’t think the game is too long.... AC games have always been packed with content.  The problem is in recent games they’ve introduced this mandatory grind system that’s just the worst.    It used to be that doing the main story was enough to level you up for the next mission..... now you have to scrape the map for

I find it strange that you are suggesting to people that would find Godzilla vs Kong exciting to go and watch a movie that already had giant monsters and was released over 3 years ago. Use common sense please, those people have already watched it.

Yes and I think that is why, behind the scenes we didn’t see any characters with the move playable for a long period in MK’s history. Here’s the thing... MK isn’t designed for tournament play, because it prioritizes fun. SF is a much more technically proficient franchise... it’s also as dull as a butter knife.

So have they not heard of this time period every year where kids stay locked inside for three months and do nothing but play video games? We call it “summer”.