
Except nothing even budges the guy. You really can’t knock him back.

Well they are gearing up to the inevitable cross-over. It’ll take at least 5 Gokus to stand a chance against one punch, man.  

They’ve remade 2 (again) and are about to release a remade 3. I’m waiting for the inevitable trilogy repack.

Probably a considerable amount.  Any time a business goes under and they sell off their assets you usually find crate after crate of unsold product.  One day they will want to clear out space and the market will be flooded with stuff ruining the value of some collector’s items.  

Why the hell would you put test stores in Tulsa?  Yeah they might as well test their new sunscreen at the North Pole.  

Time Travel isn’t possible, because if it was, the people working on it would travel back once they figured it out to let them know they were right.  

No, no it hasn’t. Games don’t need updates... they should be complete when you buy them. Games shouldn’t need patches, they should be bug free when you buy them. Games certainly don’t need DLC.... when I pay $60 for a game I should get the entire game.  If you buy DLC for the average game these days it’s roughly the

You should look into the history of Superman 64.... DC wanted the developer to lose the license, so they intentionally sabotaged the game with stupid demands. There aren’t really many bugs in that game that weren’t intentional and additional time or revisions wouldn’t have saved it.  

Here’s the thing though.... Back in the day buggy games didn’t get patches, so developers had and incentive to actually have the game as perfect as possible. If a company released too many buggy games then they went out of business, as it should be. People keep wondering how awful companies keep staying afloat... a

They aren’t a luxury when they are mandatory downloads.... that makes them a burden to anyone like me, who just wants to play the damn game.  

Better put a second mortgage on your house then.... the official versions are as expensive as hell.  

Yeah I’m sorry but cyberverse stuff is garbage. While some of the sculpts might be a little more expressive, the articulation and transformations are too limited. It’s like transformers for pre-school. Meanwhile the WFC is killing it... with every figure being a faithful representation of the G1 character only with a

I’m still trying to figure out why we have an 8k console on the way when you can barely tell the difference between 1080p and 4k on an average sized tv..... plus you know, we don’t have 8k tvs yet.  

Well you know, back in the day they managed to release a complete game the first time, because, you know, they had to. I think the industry as a whole needs to take a step back and realize that it’s better to delay a game and have it actually work the first time rather than release a game that needs a day one patch

As corporations gobble each other up and use unfair business tactics to become gigantic, legal monopolies, it’ll be next to impossible for a large part of the population to find work that pays a living wage. The only solution is to do what that nutball Yang said and start giving people free money, taxed away from the

Pro tip:  Don’t put candles near walls unless you and your family are immune to fire.  

Pro tip:  Don’t put candles near walls unless you and your family are immune to fire.  

I’ll stick by my assessment that all adults saying they love Sonic are just closeted furries as the blue monstrosity hasn’t done anything of any quality in....well.... ever.

I’m wondering who these nuts are that think raccoons are dangerous. Yeah about as dangerous as a dog or a cat or any other feral animal if cornered or frightened, but normally they are pretty chill. My cousin kept one as a pet for years... used to sit on his dad’s belly and go to sleep. It had a bad habit of chewing

This is great, but what we need is a new ribbon cable that just slides on the led pcb without the need for glue. I broke the ribbon cable on one of my boards and now the other eye is starting to act up..... we need a better cable to fix the design flaw.  

How is it obtuse?  Twitter is awful and for garbage people... that’s the joke.  In other news the grass is green.