
All Disney films/shows are disturbing if you think about it. I mean yeah, Monarchies don’t exploit their citizens at all... at least not according to Disney. For that reason I say bring on Song of the South.... it just has black slaves in it instead of the normal white slaves...err... I mean “subjects” we see in the

Or his giant orange ass and a hole in the ground.  

Buying sealed anythings is proof that you don’t give a damn about what you are collecting.  Games are meant to be played, comics are meant to be read, cars are meant to be driven, ect.  Collectables are NOT meant to make money!  

What I hell is eating up all the battery life???  I have a more traditional Microsoft wireless keyboard and I replace the batteries maybe twice a year tops.  You can’t tell me that a rechargeable keyboard can’t do as good or better.  

What I hell is eating up all the battery life???  I have a more traditional Microsoft wireless keyboard and I

Here’s the problem I’ve always had with Burgertime.   So you are making burgers and are being chased by a pickle (ok, that checks out), a wiener (huh?) and an egg (wtf?!?).  How about lettuce, tomato and onions as baddies?  You know, stuff that would actually get upset about being turned into burgers.  

That’s REPUBLICAN politics.  Us Dems tend to lean a bit harder towards the truth.  

This shit ain’t funny, it’s disturbing. Jeopardy is one of the few remaining tv shows that celebrates intellectualism.  The fact that they screwed up this bad means that, yes, even Jeopardy is getting stupider.  

Eh... half the food is in pal so you can’t only eat at 80% and most of the snacks are the wrong ones.  I’ll pick it up in the discount food isle after the hype wears off.  

I’m guessing you’ve never watched the animated series then because it shows how Batman’s villains are the best, most interesting, villains in all of comics.  All of those guys are great. 

Here’s a pro reviewing tip:  If a film is an adaptation of an existing property that you’ve never heard of, maybe go around the office and pass it off to somebody that has heard of them.  The banana splits are world famous.... everybody knows who they are.  

Jesus fucking Christ you millennial idiots, it’s not “Super Mario Bros” it’s “Super Mario BROTHERS” See that damn period at the end of every single fucking title ending in “Bros.” that’s ever been produced by Nintendo? Yeah that means it’s an abbreviation and you say the whole fucking word. When you see “Mr.” do you

The Burger King games were pretty awesome as well.  

It’s hard to fall in love when you are ultimately being asked to buy fried chicken.”

You know Trump is president right?   Yeah we are pretty much in the Star Trek evil mirror universe.  

It sounds to me like Kotaku should do some news blurbs and reviews about deeply discounted switch games. It’ll give you guys something to write about and us consumers will know if the cheap games are shovelware or not.

Donald Trump is President, comic book movies are the main box office draws and Ash won a pokemon league. Surely these are the signs of the end times. If you need me I’ll be in my bunker.

It’s so sad that SNK doesn’t even know it’s own button layout now. It’s one row of four for A-D damn it! Two rows of two is heresy for an arcade stick!

The real reason is it’d probably cost a few cents more to manufacture and they want to maximize profit. They can’t do this with modern consoles anymore as wireless pads are the standard, but they can sure use nostalgia as an excuse for these throwback consoles.

Also winning a single sales year means nothing... rather winning a console generation does, and they never did that.  

The genesis really didn’t start selling until the 6 button controllers were released.  Why?  Two reasons, Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter II.  Fighters were where it was at in the 90's so from 93 on, you had to have 6 button gamepads.  The snes gamepad was actually designed with Street Fighter in mind.