the day we stop labeling people is the day racism ends.
the day we stop labeling people is the day racism ends.
does the story state that they are black?
I know why its popular. Like I said. People. God doesn't give religion a bad Name. We do.
the bible simply states that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god. Theft, murder, homosexuality, adultery etc etc etc i think we all know what sin is. The problem with the church isnt God or the bible. Its people. And thats where we stumble. God and country are seperate, christians need to remember that.…
it sure is popular to hate on the church these days. Mr. Austin doesnt seem to Have the smallest grasp on the bibles meSsage and instead speaks through complete ignorance on a subject he knows nothing about. His ranT was almoSt enTirely gibbErish, But hey, you agree with him, so he knocked It Out of the park.
for once I agree with the mob mentality. Wheres a group of thugs to beat this kid to death when you need them?
I'd be curious to know how many black families adopt white babies. In Alabama or anywhere for that matter.
shoe is thrown at hillary we are disgusted. Shoe gets thrown at bush we all laugh.
I know that if I saw it myself I would want to throw it back in his car too, but not set it on fire and throw it back in.
from the video I couldn't even tell how the biker knew hE threw the trash out his window. The trash was just on the ground as he rode up.
.........eye for a fingernail huh?
it makes you uneasy that a person could choose to be pro life? What the fuck? Not to mention this is entirely speculation.
god forbid a person have a differing opinion from yours.
You know i have to admit, as you read through this article you think to yourself "my God, these designers and engineers must be geniuses, they've thought of EVERYTHING! "
I know right? I can't tell you how many times I've gotten out of jail time or tickets by simply explaining my personal situation to the cops. It doesn't matter what law I break or how severe if I have a fucking personal situation! Everyone knows this!
The sheeple will never listen to you. They've made up their simple minds.
I fully agree with your statement, however, I'd say there's a slight difference between leaving a six year old in a car and leaving a six month old (and a two year old) in a car.
How do you pick that nose??
I wouldn't say this is why we can't have nice things. I'd say this is the result of having nice things.
Anyone still think the oculus will be affordable?