
That doesn’t really apply here.

An open letter to Nathan Grayson:

This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker

Maybe play it a bit more, without rushing?

If you were talking about a competitive FPS game I wouldn't use your tone but I'd agree with the assessment. However, for a game like D3, and one that isn't competitive, this is just stupidity. For some games a mouse and keyboard is preferable, others a controller of some kind, for other a flight stick or a steering

All this post really proves is that a lot of PC gamers are sexually disgruntled and really have no other way of venting other than talking trash about consoles.

Worse than a murderer?

You're using broad strokes to draw no distinction between "looking down" on a person and "looking down" on a person's actions. I'm not suggesting her behavior isn't terrible; I'm suggesting that a person doesn't need to believe they have inherently more human value than another person to stop associating with her.

I have never played a Diablo game, but all the hype has me really close to buying it. It looks like it might be the hack and slash game I have been looking for on PS4.

Looks like Resident evil, but shitty...

He's a fiction writer.

Uh, I don't agree with her either, but I didn't realize that people who disagree with Jezebel writers aren't allowed to comment on their posts.

"Yeah, I'm going to need you to take that opinion elsewhere where you can have a chorus that agrees with you because that place is NOT here."

Wait...really? They should just go away? You've got to be kidding me.

I'm not surprised a shit writer doesn't want different opinions.

I think its terribly misguided that you're comparing this to Trayvon Martin et. al. Those are all different cases with their own particularities and back stories. Yes, it is very much true that we live in a society that fear young Black (men), but turning these cases into some representation of that doesn't do any

Don't spite kids. They do not get to choose whether they will behave like children; they are children.

You're fucking retarded

For me. the fear of teleportation comes from, even if it works perfectly, is not knowing if it's the same consciousness. Like, it tears your body apart, then even if it perfectly creates you with all your memories and stuff, is that really 'you', or just a perfect copy of you and the real you was obliterated? You'd

Kotaku has enough shit opinions when it comes to gaming, they should focus on that before they try to branch out into film.