
Seriously, avengers pulled it off with cap, stark, loki and thor. This idea that the xmen all have to be wearing black leather to be cool is just completely contrived.

Eh.....I'm just gonna say it. Fake.

Hell yeah it does! You got fisted! Without even having to ask for it on craigslist!

Gameplay is no longer king then it would seem. Sex is.

Yeah but this is funnier.

Maybe not as a toy but you're definitely using it.

I'm a little skeptical. Imagine all the made up stories from christian haters, atheists stirring the pot and people just trying for that free gift card. I think there will be tons of legit stories but I also think the website will be horribly abused.

Of course you don't. You're not interested in democracy.

Lol. Wild-eyed. So you believe the people getting food stamps shouldn't be forced to use them for food, but that all the rest of us taxpayers should be forced to support them. Why not simply have an opt out for those that don't support those programs? A tax credit? Then you could simply lord your kind hearted

So you're cool with selling food stamps to buy booze or drugs or guns? I just want to be sure you're clear.

Agreed. I'd venture a guess that a triple a game may never have a gay lead character (unless the lead is shared like with gta5) simply because the gamble on a triple a title is too big. Now an indie title? Absolutely.

Well....lets be honest some people in need are gaming the system. Youve never heard of selling food stamps for half the cash value?

If you've never been to one, its worth calling in sick to see. By a long shot.

You seem to have responded to the wrong person. I wasnt talking about you.

Just shows how easily people are swayed by pretty pictures (gifs). I'm not sure I've ever seen an intelligent post out of that guy.

And yet, far cry 3's writer is openly gay and even he doesn't think it will happen anytime soon. If all that's needed is a gay writer you'd think this guy would have a little more optimism.

We both know you said flame on because you know how rabid the fan base is, not because you didn't really mean what you said. If you're gonna troll then troll and let the hate flow. Don't try to give yourself an out in case you can't handle it.

Thing is, even if they knew her story and actually plagiarized it, that part of the game entails what, less than one percent? And she wants more money than all three main actors got to play their parts combined???? How about be realistic with your admittedly unrealistic lawsuit?

I came to a four way stop and a bmw came to a stop across from me. As I turned right he guns it through the intersection and cuts me off. I gave him the "wtf" look and spread my hands. At the stop light ahead I pull next to him and look over and he's mocking me, throwing his hands up over and over.

I know people have already chimed in, it is the law in ca to have a front plate installed, but the consequences of not having it are low. A fix it ticket worth about 20 bucks. Maybe 30 I haven't been ticketed in a few years for it.