Yeah, I may have been reflecting my own situation: Hey babe, let’s watch that Netflix show together and I’ll pretend to watch and then ask you what’s going on.
Yeah, I may have been reflecting my own situation: Hey babe, let’s watch that Netflix show together and I’ll pretend to watch and then ask you what’s going on.
I would put it on a high interest credit card too. Then I would use my cash savings at the end of the month to pay of the sucker and pocket the skymiles, paying no interest in the process.
Besides owner-run, small businesses, are there really “companies that care about employees?”
I worked in retail a while ago, so I feel the guy’s pain. I’ve been filling out comment cards for a while now telling various companies that about half the people that walk in do not want to be engaged in some kind of conversation and that I want their employees to leave me alone unless I go looking for them. The…
I have, like, the cheapest mower you can get at Menards and I leave the gas in. 6 years later and it still runs exactly like the day I first started it up. Like crap.
Any from They’re all cheap and work great.
Any from They’re all cheap and work great.
“I love your Christ, but I dislike your Christianity.” — Mahatma Gandhi
It seems the teachings of Apostle Paul hold more weight than those of Jesus with today’s evangelicals.
I’m a giant atheist and of course our laws shouldn’t be dictated by Christianity (although it’s just not reality that they are not deeply intermingled). But that’s not that horrible freak Cruz’s point, he is claiming Christians are being “discriminated” against by having to go against their beliefs & be involved in…
I prefer to call those jag-offs “Bibleists.” I’m Catholic but I’m pro-pretty much everything Cruz is against, and those other folk, the ones you talk about, don’t give a shit about Jesus’ teachings. They use the bible to prop up their delusional, sanctimonious morality and lord it over (ha! pun!) others purely for…
Not to mention Irons, and Ironing Boards!
Wherever you go when you die, I want to think that Rowdy Roddy Piper walked in like this:
A suit, you wear a suit. Period. I am not sure why this is a question, unless you are fantastically sought after with a special skill and can get away with anything because you can write your own ticket, you wear a suit. It is always better to be over-dressed than under-dressed. Nobody is ever going to say “let’s not…
Any gym that lets patrons go barefoot is a gym I am quitting.
Pre tinned? There is no advantage of that plus it makes the wrapping a lot harder to do. just wrap the wires and then solder.
Yes, I did read the article. That is inaccurate. It is well supported by research.
I kind of loathe this idea... you're asking customer service to become your middleman and putting them in an awkward position. What if the person you're ultimately trying to get in touch with isn't really part of the customer service department?
So I *shouldn't* tell new acquaintances that "I set fires to feel joy" then?
I keep buying smaller clothes and throwing everything else out. If I slip, then my punishment is making myself squeeze into pants that are just a little too small to be comfortable.