
It seems older dude was psycho-cop’s dad, and has been engaged in a long-term battle of GET OFF MY LAWN. And since grass is more important than non-white children, the ODO felt it was his duty to assault a group of minors with a deadly weapon. You should call the APD and let them know how unacceptable this is: http://w

Moderate nitpick: assuaged or assaulted? Because if this asshole’s complaint that a trans person comforted or soothed someone, I will burn everything.

Oh I know. I don’t normally pray, but when I do, I pray for Conway’s plane to drop out of the sky.

Well... their home addresses are a matter of public record, if you felt like dropping them a postcard. Or standing out in fron with a sign. Or something.

I think we should start demanding town halls so they can hear the concerns of their constituency. And by demand, I mean #BitchBetterHaveMyAnswers #BBHMA

The threat is that the rule could be changed at any point, and should the dems displease them, the GOP’ll just have to revoke their privileges. There was supposed to be some rule about setting these procedures at the start of each congress that will last for the rest of the term. I don’t know whether that time has

Also, having seen footage of him with Ivanka, I’d put my savings account on him having spent years raping her. That clip at the convention where they were supposed to hug, and he reached for her hips and she flashed a grimace and jerked her hips back? That’s what incest scars look like.

Caltrops are my first thought, webbing my second. Developable surfaces as the new trap doors/secret passages? I do feel better about things when I can be creative instead of just drilling muoy thai.

Mr. Logic is does research in origami mechanics. We’ve been looking to widen our hobby base.

And if those tiny states want more of a say in the running of the country they can figure out a way to convince people to move there or at least not flee at the first opportunity. As it is, they keep they seem more intent on driving people off to augment the power of their hate mongering views.

Brown noise?

The nuclear option on filibusters is reducing the number of votes needed to break one, I believe. Currently rules require a two-thirds vote to end a filibuster, but the constitution isn’t specific on this point. It could be argued that a simple majority would fulfill the requirements set out in Article 1.

Look up their district, zillow an address, use that one. They fucking gerrymandered us out of our due representation to get control of congress to begin with. Think of this as reverse gerrymandering. Google, the great equalizer.

I am in complete agreement. I have wondered if the growing tribalism isn’t related psychologically to the probable changes from global warming. We are sooo fucked.

Gotta keep it DummieBook basic. Harp on the AG firing. Easy to understand, easy to explain, and a comfortable level of wrongness.

The AG firing is the ticket. Potentially one of the less reprehensible things he’s done in the last two years, but that’s part of its appeal. Lots of his bullshit is cartoon villainy which a skeptic can find hard to credit as accurately reported. Other stuff is layers of shell corporations and the unpersuaded glaze

Usually I’d agree with you but my R senator is a business fucktard and he cannot bring himself to side with the administration on this. To him in particular, I drop a steady stream of “this is bad for business in the following ways and you know it”. Because he may be an amoral shit but he’s a pragmatist and a