
Yeah, it’s hard not to worry about coming off as a loon, and I’ve admitted to worrying about that in my messages. But the writing is on the wall, and one day the prediction of the apocalypse is true. Please please encourage them to call, and call often. Our best hope is prompt congressional action.

I’ve been shaking for days. I’d somehow talked myself down from the election- yeah this was gonna be terrible and we’d have to fight but it wouldn’t be the worst. And then the last two weeks. I’ve got a rendezvous point set, an anonymous internet communication line, and packing a bug out bag. Russia is moving in on

Classic narcissistic abuse tactic: After screaming like a toddler, dangling out a thing or two that are almost like the thing you wanted/asked for/deserve as a way to gaslight you about the shit fest that just happened and try to manipulate you into further consessions. His offering a qualified candidate and promising

And most importantly, no one likes it. On FOX polls, it was being roundly condemned. TX thought it was a bridge too far. Everything else he’s doing is too byzantine or too cartoonish, but this! This is a thing Americans can recognize as wrong. This is the banner we wave till we have him in jail.

I’m calling every senator in the book telling them this. In the last eleven days the president has decapitated the state dept, installed a white nationalist at the head of the NSC without Senate approval, undermined the autonomy of the justice dept, issued an order without input or feedback that has caused national

This is why we need to hammer on that AG firing like we’re talking to kindergarteners. It’s simple, it’s incontrovertible, and it’s the thing that’s taken down a president before. Yeah, Russia, yeah, Bannon, yeah, taxes, yeah businesses, but allll of those take more than 5 sec to explain.

She hasn’t had an open vote yet, just through committee. Which is terrible because Jesus Fuck, people. Dem Senators now throwing every procedural obstacle they can to drag it out and make Cheetolini go even more apeshit.

So this clip ends early, right after the “fuck!” I heard. But the twitter links have videos people posted from their dvr’ed tvs, and someone absolutely says the whole thing. The volume level is different than that of the rest of the conference, so it could be either Ryan’s mike getting removed and being close to his

Yeah I didn’t hear anything on my regular speakers, but through the ear buds I can hear someone saying “fuck” as the speaker has passed out of frame. Which is not close to the whole sentence and strikes me as common when struggling to remove a mike.

Make no mistake, we will absolutely savage dictators in the exact same fashion. With our bare fucking hands. Sort of a human tradition, you should try reading the Bacchae sometime.

I suspect getting fleeced by him is on par, pleasure-wise, with getting fucked by him. I’m gonna go throw up now.

Fair warning, those polls were likely conducted prior to the EO. Horrifying if the polls were accurately conducted, but still less terrible than almost 60% of people thinking this shit happening now is ok. In fact, it looks like Trumplethinskin’s approval ratings are now at 36% and his disapproval rating is at least

You can do it too! You and your five most politically minded friends start a text thread, where what you post are updates to what you consider relevant news. Let each other know when you think calls will be good (hint: ALWAYS), share pertinent background info, recommend others who want to get involved. Google your

K. If I don’t ask then I’m not gonna learn:

I think that was Ivanyi’s point: the phrase “other Arab countries” could imply that Iran was also Arab, which it is not. A clearer sentence would read “...from Iran, some from neighboring/nearby Arab countries...”

I think the problem is that the Nazis are the most famous fascists here in the US, which is how it ends up being both the go-to shorthand and the subject of Godwin’s law. Also, other fascist regimes have largely kept their destruction within their own borders so the scope of the danger is less apparent if I pointed

Lukewarm almost opposition. That’s a step in the right direction. Keep calling! Tell them this mealy-mouthed shit is not gonna fly.

GOP rank and file needs to break step. Some have started speaking out which is good, but over 200 have kept their mouths firmly shut. If you have a Republican senator or representative, call them now. Fax them. Call DC, call every home office. Make the bastards sweat.

Problem is the CBP might stick with Chief Bigot, since he inflates their soldier wannabe fantasies. It’s gonna be messy.