We’re gonna need to press charges against these shits.
We’re gonna need to press charges against these shits.
Oh yeah. Several times a day.
Sure thing. I’m still mostly focusing on the non-disobedient pressure points because I’d like for norms to hold up as long as possible, but there are millions and millions of us and the more angles we come at them, the better. We absolutely out number these shits, by 10 million votes (not just Clinton, Stein and…
Lots of ways to do that.
Mommy Conway must have put it in so he could settle down for his nap.
It (1) bans everyone from Muslim majority nations (except of course the ones the President doesn’t have business interests in), and (2) says that religious minorities from those countries will be admitted. They don’t have to use the word Muslim. It’s 3rd grade set theory.
This spreadsheet shows where every senator currently stands on this issue. Most, but not all of the Ds of opposed it, Rs are starting to come out. Call every single one who is still silent. Google their home offices and call there. My major arguments: (a) We’re not dumb- it absolutely is a ban on Muslims and it’s…
I thought members of Nixon’s cabinet were wrapped up in his impeachment, which is where I’ve gotten confused.
Just found the site myself. I know that free faxes have their logo on the coversheet, I don’t know how that plays into any optics in terms of being heard. I also understand from my local organizing meetings that handwritten notes are more impactful because a staffer has to concentrate to decipher the handwriting in a…
Can Congress impeach members of the president’s staff, or do they have to start with the president and then work their way through the cabinet? Or are advisors not entitled to same sorts of immunity, and we don’t need the world’s least deliberative body to participate? As a “chief strategist” has Bannon taken any…
I’ve been calling every rep for every district I have ever lived in, telling them to start drafting articles of impeachment. To the Dems, I say get it on paper so your R colleagues just have to sign. To the Rs, this is that Rambo moment where you stand up to defend the Constitution and save the country.
From the Women’s march: First they came for the Muslims, and we said, “NOT THIS TIME MOTHERFUCKER!”
Fax the bastards too. When the phones don’t work you can still get your message through.
Calling those people out on their bigotry is at least a bit satisfying. Hurts their little fee-fees and everything.
They need to know that they have the support at home, so good to keep calling. You can also ask if there’s anything you as a constituent can do to help, or if there any plans in the works they can share.
Call anyway. If you’re worried about addresses or zips, google the congressman’s website and use a zip from his/her home office.
Nope, not overreacting at all. This guy has a green card which means he is legally a permanent resident.