
The PC preview footage just looked so rich in graphical fidelity and endless detail, I keep thinking there’s no way my basic-ass PS4 is going able to keep up with that with any real confidence (visions of 20-25fps GTAV on PS3 kept swimming back to the surface). So yeah, I’m not surprised it runs like shit on “last

Good to know. Thanks. It’s funny - I’d been waiting for years for this game. This whole pandemic, I’d been really depressed. Like everyone, I suppose. And one of the hopeful lights for me was this game. Knowing that it was coming out. It kept me alive. But then hearing about the delay, and about how last-gen consoles

A few reasons.

You lost me when you said “differently abled”.

It can be common in American English. I think you have a blind spot there.

I’m sorry, but I dunno how or why something like “blind playthrough” was somehow construed into being a negative connotation. No one correlates the phrase to actual blind people, and neither is the phrase “blind playthrough” or “going in blind” used as a pejorative like “gay” actually was, why is this even a thing?

No, I’m going to have to side with this just being extra PC. “Blind” as a term for a “first time through, with no previous experience or knowledge” has been a thing for....ever really. It’s not something I most people would confuse with or expect to be an actual blind person.

Corporations need to stop this shit. Words have multiple meanings. Just because one of those meanings might be ableist, doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with using it in a different context. Hell, this isn’t even in a negative one. A blind playthrough is a good thing! This kind of faux-supportive bullshit just

If you are the type of person who thinks a death threat is an appropriate reaction to a delay, you are just a total piece of shit. 

Here’s the fix if the Democrats win and can find a spine:

I am 100% a white suburban housewife who loves fall and sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes. IDK how this article got into Thanksgiving? Which, while technically in the fall is just a dress rehearsal for Christmas. The secret is, I live in Georgia. In the fall, it is the end of 4+ months of temperatures over 90 and all

This is primarily bad.  Most people get over it, and the two populist idiot right wing world leaders that already got and recovered from it, Johnson and Bolsonaro, both saw significant gains in popularity because surviving a disease bolsters strong man shit.  And if he dies instead, Pence gives one good eulogy and all

The Trumps’ diagnosis comes hours after it was announced senior aide Hope Hicks had developed symptoms Wednesday and tested positive

I’m sure all our thoughts and prayers are with the coronavirus at this diffcult time.

I frankly think they’re lying to get out of the rest of the debates but in case it’s true?

Whats that sound? The world's tiniest violin, you say? Interesting. Interesting.

way too level headed to be this far up, repost it at the bottom of the comments so nobody sees!