
This is really the heart of the issue. I’m a day-one iPhone user. No desire to change under the present conditions. I’m also a less enthusiastic, but relatively happy iPad user. I play Fortnite occasionally with my son (who plays on more robust platforms). I hate that Epic has decided to use its mobile players as

The cost of rent in L.A. is high AF. Can I go around demanding landlords lower their rent because I’m small and can’t afford it? Does that work?

The whole 1984 angle and having all of this response prepared in advance really put a sour taste in my mouth. Trying to create this weird public discourse and use your arguably easily-influenced fan base to try and get what you want is...I mean, it’s on brand but it’s really gross. The extremely public and

And step down the day after the inauguration. Just get across the finish line and call it a career.

Did... you just call basic scientific discussion “weasel words”?

Question: What studies have you been reading that are ever 100% sure that they have found what they have found?

Because I will say that I’m CERTAIN that uncertain words are generally typical of most scientific and technical conversations.

For example:

If you

My guess is: Sony has a price nobody will like. Microsoft is dead-set on undercutting Sony but doesn’t want to overdo it and lose more money than they need to. End result is a big game of chicken.

And I guara-fucking-tee you she already has her own parking spot but feels entitled to ALL the parking spots because that’s how these people roll.

I find that if someone says the Civil War was about states’ rights, asking “A state’s right to do what?” usually results in a lot of stammering.

Because Stadia is a centralized streaming server with no option to run games client-side.

XCloud is a value-added service where you’re still getting a client but gain the ability to stream the content on the side.

I wonder what the cross section between Trump supporters and Fortnite players are. Trump is big with the Boomers and I doubt they are big into Fortnite but I suspect the shit posting MRAs and Incel communities that worship him are probably also huge Fortnite players. I wonder if this changes any of their minds on

I think it’s reasonable to say that governments worldwide already have access to data on hosting infrastructure located in their country. That’s certainly true in the United States, and Cisco has quite a few backdoors that US agencies make regular use of to get into things they shouldn’t. I don’t think it ultimately

China does heinous shit? Like unmarked ‘agents’ kidnapping people, speeding them away to parts unknown, without trial or due process? Because that’s totally not happening in the US right now...oh wait...

It’s all about the pitch. xCloud is a value-add for Game Pass. It fills a niche and solves issues people actually have (being able to play games without a heavy investment in hardware) and it’s pretty reasonably priced too. Games also just work in it, developers don’t need to bend over backwards implementing special

because you have to pay additional for each game on stadia.

I’d probably use it as a secondary device at home or on lunch breaks etc at work - both times when I can use unlimited data on wifi.

I think the main issue is that Stadia with its current library as it is does not present the same value as MS’s solution but then again Stadia made the mistake of putting the worst foot forward. You can only make a first impression once and Google blew it.

It does seem MCU inspired but also Ultimate Marvel inspired as well. Which is kind of frustrating, particularly looking at full suit Captain America’s design. The recently released figures using this game’s design also seem ‘off’. Granted, most of them are repaints/retools of existing comic/MCU figure molds, that

Not to mention those exclusives keep making their way to PC. More and more Japanese games that were PS exclusive just because are finding success on PC and even making their way to Xbox like the Yakuza series.

We want justice; they want power. Simple as that.