
I, for one, get *really exhausted* explaining that a) trash is often fantastic and that b) fanservice is more than often fine in my book.

Code Vein’s a fun game so far. I say as much in this very article! I loved the character creator, I’m onboard with the edginess and cheese, and even if combat’s a bit floaty it

I wouldn’t blithely dismiss this just yet. Judge Sullivan has a strong track record for holding government prosecutors to account and the temperament to take them to task when they don’t.

For what it’s worth, this is from the Astros’ game thread on Reddit:

“She is going be OK according to my mom. She was 4 rows away and just talked to security guard who said they are taking her to hospital for precautionary but early signs are good.

This. Vagueness and double-speak.

Yeah, when i read that my reaction was, “wait a minute, why not?”

“You can’t just have two hours of kaiju slapping each other around like a gargantuan WWE highlights reel.”

Anybody who has had an elderly relative with dementia pass away has likely found notes like these in their residence after they were gone. My grandmother had grievance notes like this all over her house, and I’ve spoken with many other people who have reported the same kinds of notes with their loved ones also.

The only thing I can come up with is that when it comes to self-hatred, women turn it inward, as in “I’m the problem. If I weren’t so ugly/fat/stupid men would like me.”

Yep - there’s clearly enough interest for them to think that this makes financial sense to at least set up and get working, and based on various interviews from those involved there does seem to be a bit of passion behind it, in the sense that now they’ve started it they want it to work out. At this point, if it flops

I read that as “expensive”

Non-existent. There is a pre-order armor set that you can change into (through a convoluted process of menu diving) and that is currently it. Also I’ve run into a bug where my game constantly puts me into the pre-order armor set even though the settings say I should be wearing the other.

pretty much nonexistent. You can unlock one costume but that’s about it.  

Well, there is the outfit you start out in and there is the armor suit you get in the beginning. Carry the 1... multiply by 1... You get two options. And they are not options.

Zero. You can only choose your gender at the start and that’s it.

Ran him up a flag pole by his underwear.

Not a bad start, but I’d add that if we’re still not going to allow prisoners to vote then state’s shouldn’t be allowed to claim them as part of their population during the census.  Oh and get rid of private prisons, of course.  Incarceration shouldn’t be a for profit enterprise.

But you can’t simply blame the elected officials behind these things and hold the people who elected them in the first place entirely blameless. THAT’S a cop-out, and if you believe that the voters of Alabama are not broken beyond repair, and that there is hope for them to get educated and do the right thing and stop

For. The. Last. Time. For the people in the cheap seats.

Also: he probably didn’t have his ID on him while sitting in his yard. He probably would have to go inside to get it. Then he would walk back outside, wallet in hand. The police will see the wallet, scream, “He’s charging at us with a gun!” and shoot.

This member of the wypipo race totally agrees with this sentiment.