
My theater isn’t playing it. But I went to see Raya and the Last Dragon after my two weeks. Had the showing all to myself, which was glorious.

They hired an Asshole to watch the tracker.

I would call the fire department and report “Someone stuck something on my car, is it a bomb?”

The better educated you are, the less likely you are to vote Republican.

Let’s just hope this is only the beginning, instead of a fluke.

Yeah.. I’ve been noticing that trend lately.

Yup. Mine too. 

Xbox has had this since day one of the Xbox One, and I’ve never had a problem with it working there.

Yeah, but a demo? If I were doing it, I’d wait and put the whole thing up, and then take it down after the c&d. Knowing that it’d be impossible to bury by then.

The thing to remember is that N:A is the sequel. With this not being a remake, they’re limited to what the original did.

Not affiliated with any organized religion, but I do believe in a higher power.

He is a petty dick. So he lives up to his name at least.

My wish is for them to add the Elite 2 to their online custom controller workshop. I would gladly pay extra to order a custom colored one from them, with an accessory set that I design- which would all be short sticks. (I tried the long one.. my hand is too small, I can’t get my thumb completely on top of it.)

As someone who lives in Alabama, the world could be ending next week and these bastards would be doing the same thing. They take great personal offense to diversity of any kind, but most especially when religion or sex is involved.

Personally, I think they should do away with gendered divisions entirely and just go by weight class. It stands to reason that two people of similar weight, both training in the same sport, should be on a level field, no matter what parts they have.

I would like to take a brief aside to say that I’m just so tired of people acting like the concept of consequences is some new ideal founded by the “woke mob.” Every action results in an opposite reaction. This is high school physics, y’all, I don’t know why I have to explain this to grown-ass adults.”

It’s Texas. They’ll have no trouble finding something new. You could probably throw a dart at a map of that state blindfolded and find a Klan lodge.

Calling anything game related “anthem” right now.. bad luck lol.

Nintendo seems to be the only platform that isn’t actively trying to kill the Japanese games market these days.