
I think a big issue with this game is that in all the previous (Bethesda/Obsidian) Fallout games, you go from “random schmuck” to “most important person in this part of the country” over the course of the game.

It basically is gambling. Assuming you head out and follow a normal routine, you have a certain percentage chance of getting the virus. If you get it, then it has a fractional chance that you’ll develop symptoms, another that those will be serious, and a third that they’ll be fatal. In the end, the % chance that you,

Which isn’t exclusive to them this time around. Digital Foundry did a video on the X2; using Division 2 as an example, it loaded in a fraction of the time it took to load on the One X.

Except that for PS5 “almost all of” their top 100 PS4 catalogue will be in at launch. Meaning that on day one, there will be under 100 PS4 games, plus whatever PS5 launch titles there are.

I plan on some yard work. I’d say that being active outdoors should be encouraged, as long as nobody else is around. 

Black Desert is the same. Hoping that Phantasy Star Online stays away from that. 

Yeah, I’m fairly sure the families of the dead will be comforted by all the shaking up. 

Actually, so many people are reporting mild to no symptoms that the mortality rate is likely much lower than reported.

Damn. I was hoping Ultra Rosa was rose flavored. 

Not in the case of Star Wars. The whole reason they chucked out the EU was to say “ok, now all media from this point is canon.” All books, games, etc. made after the purge are to be considered canon unless a movie contradicts it.

I’d suggest going to a doctor for a “second opinion”. Those DNA test companies aren’t known for their accuracy. 

I just want them to sell official faceplates and such for the Elite 2. 

The flu also has millions of infections. 2% of a smaller number isn’t comparable to 0.1% of a vastly larger number in a direct comparison.

Source for the 1 in 40 death claim? Last I read, it was around 2%. 

I’d love for Starbucks to buy out Gamestop. They could reopen the stores as Starbucks cafes that also have game stations and sales. 

I would very much chalk it up to a lighting difference. Both in that the game would be lit differently than 2D animation, but also the fact that light is stronger outside on a sunny day than inside a stadium. The tone isn’t that much different from the game original.

I think all sports should be mixed gender, based on weight class. Have boys and girls playing together, at least in non contact sports, grouped with others of similar muscle mass. 

Probably exactly what his publicist told him.

He is saying “I still don’t agree with you, but I shouldn’t have said what I said”.