
Fallout 76 is the digital representation of a rolled up newspaper smacking a dog that utterly refuses to listen. 

It entirely depends on what you DO with your shoes. If you work out, play and otherwise move around a lot yeah, that’s true. Older people, those not as active, not so much. Personally, I wear Sketchers with memory foam almost exclusively; I get them as much as 80 for the really nice ones and as low as 30 at Sams’

Artificial scarcity. You could just sell shoes at a reasonable price in stores. OR you can hype them up as a limited exclusive, make people fight over them and jack the prices so high you can make the same amount of money while actually making far less product- and virtually guarantee you’ll move the whole run. 

This has made strange bedfellows all over the internet. Oneangrygamer has had a bunch of outrage at Blizzard over this (tinged with their own brand of racism). 

This is the wrong place to complain about censorship of Japanese art. It never goes well around here.

Can do what I’m going to do; buy it used. That way you can play a good game without supporting censorship.

Well shit, apparently I’ve been making it for years lol. Once I didn’t have enough sauce so I dumped in a bunch of ketchup. It came out so good I just do that now. 

Yup. Once I max levels and run out of gold keys, I’m very much making it rain with that thing. 

Trying to think further outside the box, and realize that not everyone in the world thinks the same way, goes a long way to trying to fix the worlds problems than to rail against them in an aggressive manner.”

It helps, this and the NBA situation, because it’s showing companies that they can’t really serve two opposing views at the same time. They can bow to pressure from tyrants and lose the rest of us, or stand up to China, potentially losing them.

Very hard to believe. I mean this is DBZ, they once had a planet with “five minutes until it explodes!” For an entire season didn’t they?

And you’re right, that’s a bad thing. It also has nothing to do with this. More than one thing can be bad at the same time and being mad at people who are pissed at Blizzard because they don’t give up on modern life as we know it is idiotic. And as I said above, that argument is “what about”ism.

It honestly wouldn’t surprise me. Wether for actual safety or “safety”.

No. We absolutely should- when it applies. Not trying to use it as a “What about”-ism to distract from something else. “Yeah, these guys were bad.. but what about THOSE guys?”

All of our hands have blood on them from the “exploited labor” standpoint. Unless you’ve made all of your electronics from the transistors up by hand.

Could there be contracts involved? No idea how these things work but if it is some sort of event and people just don’t show up they might get fined.

Just wait for Blizzcon. That whole new world of theirs is going to be more Frozen than Arendelle.

Now playing

You know, it’s basically true that companies have to kiss China’s ass to do business there. But the reverse is also true; China has been mor open to allowing foreign things in. And there’s only so much they can ban before they’re back to everything in their country is made by them.

Last Week Tonight, John Oliver did a great piece on China. As he pointed out, not even the U.N. mentions China’s human rights abuses; the minute someone does, China threatens to lock them out.

If the militia types that occupied federal land a while ago are any indication, they aren’t really up on guerilla tactics. More like making loud statements. Against police willing to wait them out to avoid bloodshed, that’s one thing.