As someone who lives in Alabama, let me just say.. PLEASE let it wipe out enough of this hellhole to give me a good excuse to leave lol.
As someone who lives in Alabama, let me just say.. PLEASE let it wipe out enough of this hellhole to give me a good excuse to leave lol.
Strong little bastards lol. Glue one to the end of a stick to pick up lost screws too.
I fix computers for a living, at my uncles electronics place. Whenever I have to deal with a dead hard drive, I take it apart, scratch the platters all to hell, keep the magnets, and bag the rest, taking it to a recycling center eventually.
Mario’s always been kind of a dick.
If you actually read my posts, I never said “why bother”. Quite the opposite. Giving up on something you like because some of the people making it are toxic trash is the feeble, lazy way.
There’s really no point in avoiding games over this. Listen to music? Watch Television or movies? Read books? The same shit happens in all of those industries.
I knew it. I’m surrounded by assholes.
“Ridiculously Unprofessional” was pretty much Trumps campaign slogan.
Lesbian here lol. I did buy it, but refunded it. Honestly, had they just said it was a bad throwback joke and left it in, I’d have kept it.
And this is exactly what I’ve always said would eventually happen. I struggled to articulate it last time, but this is what I was getting at.
I think that if someone is convicted and serves time but is later found innocent, and was convicted due to prosecutorial misconduct or negligence, then that prosecutor should have to pay them half their monthly salary for every month that they spent in jail.
For best results he should have someone cosplaying Colossus along for the ride lol.
Unless he flips off and/or curses out every shithole he sees.
I’m glad to see all those games doing well. It’s proof of what I’ve always said; there’s room for everyone at the table.
I’m pretty sure I criticized them just now lol.
Oh, and if they did secretly slip stuff into the game without approval? They should 100% be fired immediately.
The things they did in-game were bad enough to keep me from wanting to play it. But it is their creation. They have the right to do it.
I’m all for creative freedom. People want to put offensive things, nudity, language, whatever in their games? Long as it passed the ESRB with no more than an M, have at it. Nobody is forcing me to buy it.
I’ve always loved that GTA Online specifically mentions you being silent all the time, being a mute myself lol.