HELL to the YEAH!
HELL to the YEAH!
And the UI. Every time I see a picture of how the game looks to players, all I can think of is “spreadsheet with lasers”.
Voted Bernie, then Clinton last election. They could post up a particularly eloquent chinchilla this time and I’d still vote Democrat.
At this point, I’m thinking that every person of color, every LGBT person, and everyone with an actual soul should just pack up and move to the blue and so called “purple” states. Let the fuckers have their lilly White utopia, while we get out the popcorn and watch them implode when they realize that all their…
That depends on your area. Down here in idiot country (Alabama) PLENTY of young people are not just as ignorant as their parents, but they’re willfully so.
Yep. If there’s anything we can learn from the last several years, it’s that money “Trumps” decency. In all things.
Guess banks aren’t the only things too big to fail.
Yeah. I’m a believer in at least trying to let people get redemption. You say or do something awful (within limits, obviously.. one off comments under stress or bad jokes, sure. Going off on a tirade or hurting someone? Boom, done), you get called on it and apologize, then you should get another chance. James Gunn…
Competition is good for a free market. I’m a confirmed Xbox player; I have a Switch and PC, and a PS4 I got as a gift, but I play my Xbox most by far.
The Valis series. One of the games credited with inventing the cutscene.
There’s a part at the end of Arpeggio of Blue Steel where a character knows that they must do something.. but it might make them disappear.
I’ve played most of the Neptunia games and they are, flat out, the funniest games Ive ever played.
I mean hell, I’m an AA cup and you can bet I’m wearing one if I anticipate doing much of anything.
Anything with a random chance is gambling, no doubt about it. Legally though, they get around it by claiming you are left with something.
Thanks for proving it for me! #5 in your own post:
Then we need to ban blind purchases outright. Because capitalism sucks at grey areas. For the record, I’m totally fine with that, as the well stocked costume closet of my Black Desert Lahan can attest to lol. If they make things people want, they will straight up buy them.
1) Name any physical object. Any. It either is a product that took material to make, or it is a naturally occurring material that can be used to make something else. That’s intrinsic value.