
Ty lol

Companies always look at the bottom line first and if they feel a funding source will hurt then in a longer term, they’re less likely to go ahead with it. Having a progressive government makes it less palatable to openly support evil entities. Not to mention a progressive govt is far more likely to slap sanctions on

Yup! It’s called “If you deal with evil people, your Pay Per View, event ticet sales, merch and viewer ratings take a nosedive.”

Go for it. Voting with your money is arguably more effective than voting with a ballot these days.

I bought almost all the Monster High sets, and I wasn’t missing any parts of any sets. 

When Monster High got canned, I snapped up nearly every Mega Bloks set on clearance lol. 

One of my friends is a severe arachnaphobe. Most games, the spiders don’t trigger him for some reason.

I agree with her. Leave characters who they were created to be, flaws and all. We women, and people of color need more stories for and about us, built from scratch. Piggybacking on something existing only invites trolls and cynics.

“Will be to remove rights for women”. Fixed that for you. Frankly I am amazed that Trump and his cronies have not started using the part of the 13th amendment about enslaving criminals to just open ICE run stores to directly sell illegal immigrants, especially women.

On my 6s plus, if you repeatedly press the lock button quickly it does the same thing. 

I think that they’re implying that any man they put up will be accused regardless. Remember, those fucks think Kavanaugh is pure as the driven snow. 

Protests accomplish zero in today’s political climate. Not a damn thing. The Republicans know your position. And they laugh at you for them.

Because he is far smarter than many of his supporters. Take that as you will. 

Take any given situation. Now, think of the dumbest possible rationale for that situation.

Wholeheartedly agree. It is insane to require those for all infusing. 

It’s not the severity of the crime itself, it’s the teaching children that this is ok that pisses me off. 

So the guy took Yondu as a role model.

I despise few things more than adults using children for crime. So incredibly fucked up and sad.

That would require the one thing that Valve is most vehemently opposed to.

I’ve had them added to my session now and then but it’s very rare.