Wouldn’t be on Xbox if Sony was involved. I believe tey said the Switch just didn’t have the power to run it.
Wouldn’t be on Xbox if Sony was involved. I believe tey said the Switch just didn’t have the power to run it.
I’ve played nearly every Dynasty game there is, even the non Dynasty ones. And I’m looking forward to it.
Fun Fact: Stan Bush did an english song for Sailor Moon,one of the only times I’ve enjoyed an American version soundtrack.
I would love to see them stop doing a weekly double xp/money thing, and do a daily rotation triple or even quad pay mode. Keep it all in the game, but focus on something new every day.
This video introduced me both to K-Pop and the magic of Monty Oum. RIP Monty, you are missed.
Star Trek really does predict everything.
The best console version I meant. And it is a selling point that you can play Bedrock on PC, Xbox, Mobile, and Switch (soon anyway) with the same worlds and people.
It’s still dumb of them. It’s bad PR, and it means PS4 doesn’t get the best version of one of the biggest games out there.
What bluff? They’ve said all along that they’d include PS4 Minecraft if Sony allowed it. Rocket League says they literally just have to click a box in the server. And Fortnite actually had cross play going on accident once.
Silly boy, you forget that our entire Legislative (and for the moment, Executive) branch of government serves these fucks as their lords and masters.
Money doesn’t uy happiness, but it is a hell of a down payment.
All of those videos say “blocked in your country” :/
Yup. We need to move towards the Star Trek economy. Or at least how I envision money must work in the Federation. (And yes, they do have money. See Fed. Officers gambling at Quarks, buying things on the promenade at DS9, Beverly Crusher charging to her account, etc)
I just want a PC or Xbox Project Diva. Right now that series is one of the few PS exclusive games I truly want.
Ah. Think Alpha 2 was the last SF game I played, like, at all.. More of a Soul Calibur player.
If she just graduated high school, with an early year birthdate, I’d call her 19.
Try the Shield Hero series. That is also getting an anime soon, and that poor bastard gets kicked around so hard that he nearly does a face-heel turn.
That’s not true. If someone dies during the commission of a crime, any other criminals involved are guilty of felony murder.
Yeah, sorry. That’s true too, though I meant things like that have addictive chemical reactions, making it easier to get hooked on them. I worded it poorly.