
Oh they do. I’ve seen it. The problem is the parts that trigger the tribal response. They can be the nicest, kindest people.. to those who believe their way. Anyone who doesn’t is the enemy. It’s like how a soldier shooting enemy combatants is different than a mass murderer.

Even then, unless the one doing the talking has nobody to answer to, they won’t answer bluntly. Just look at any politician at a town hall meeting.

Because the next words after that BS check would be “Interview over”. And unless you’re talking to a CEO or something, not repeating the company line (the BS) would likely cost the one talking their job.

Make every gun except a basic handgun and hunting rifle illegal.

Personally, I’m having a good time with the game, however what they say about the Nightfalls illustrates my biggest gripe. The damn Nightfall timer. Most of the rest of the game is frankly so easy that trying to do a Nightfall with a time limit feels less like a difficulty curve than a difficulty vertical wall you

The Statue of Liberty is the perfect monument for the USA.

There are no words. How anybody in Congress can NOT see they need to apply the 25th amendment to this shitheel is beyond me. If I were any candidate running against an incumbent, in either party, in 2018, I would campaign on a promise to do exactly that.

Well then, why stay? I disagree with them at times but try to do so respectfully, and others I agree. If I thought their stories were “garbage”, I’d go elsewhere.

I dunno, I call out Kotaku’s anti Microsoft bias on a regular basis and I’m not Grey over there lol.

They should really just stop it with the lve action anime. I’ve never seen one that held a candle to the original.

Pewdiepie should really consider a different job at this point.


The choice is simple for me. I play with my friends. That’s why I don’t even own a PS4. All my friends are on Xbox and I rarely have time for single player gaming.

A few that got ignored:

Hopefully if she’s that way, her family is good enough not to require them.

You know, all the latest DLC has had some 80's throwback super vehicle; Import had KITT, Gun Runners had Street Hawk.

They’ve been my favorite parts of the game.

They could turn Overwatch into the next Halo or Destiny. Wouldn’t have to change the gameplay a bit, just release a big standalone PVE element with story.

My head canon says they aren’t actually going on missions. The gameplay part of the game is basically a training or practice sim. As for why the Talons are there too, I dunno. Maybe just part of the sim.

Why aren’t white supremacists on terrorist lists? Because they’re the ones making the lists, obviosly.