
Wonder Project J2 on The N64 in Japan. You are an unseen god guiding a little robot girl into being alive. It was full of moments like this:

Damnit! I read the title and saw the picture and hoped for a new Tenchu style game.

The Devil approves.

I meant that if I care enough about the game overall. This is mostly a moot point because I rarely play sp games. I don’t have a lot of time to devote to them. So I was speaking historically.

I likely will, eventually. But I have so little time for gaming these days, 90% of my time is playing something multiplayer with my Xbox having friends.

Hence why I said “Multiplayer”. I’ll play a guy in a single player game if it’s interesting enough.

He definitely deserves it. Still salty that his first new game is PS4 exclusive, but still lol.

Yeah, just a bit, unless its “/s” lol. Even I, she who does not buy a multi-player game without female options, wouldn’t go that far.

Pretty much every Game from Fallout 3 and Oblivion up ran markedly worse on Playstations. I would call their Xbox and PC versions a close win for PC, mostly due to “~” menu commands and .ini tweaks being able to help on PC.

Tracer Teleport car dodging

Way back in the old days, there was a rom check in Phantasy Star IV on Sega Genesis. A boss midway through the game would use an attack when he got to low health that, if you weren’t playing an official cartridge, would freeze the game. The ony way to avoid this when you play the game on an emulator, like I did, was

I like referring to them as “Fallen”. Fallen from grace, education, intelligence, wisdom, ethics, and humanity.

You can always read or play something else?

Yeah. I’m all for inclusion (I won’t buy a muliplayer game that doesn’t have a female option), but sexism is baked into this genre. It’s a catch 22; include it and people get angry, exclude it and doom it to commercial failure from backlash.

I’ve always thought that people didn’t consider pokemon to be sentient in that world. Sure, they can be “friends” the way a dog or cat are. But literally their entire economy revolves either around harnessing them as everything from meat to batteries and even slave labor, or supporting children who go out.. alone..

I kinda see Sombra and Reaper as having potential. In the animations they put out, she’s teasing him with the door. Maybe it was just to delay him a bit for her real objective, but I like the stoic, gruff type paired with the chipper one that pushes their buttons.

No. we’ve always been this collectively stupid. But now, with the internet, Facebook and Twitter, it’s much easier to see non-local stupidity on display.

We have completely, utterly failed their generation. I only pray we can somehow keep enough of the country.. hell, enough of the planet.. intact that they can take the feelings they have today and do better than our sorry asses managed to do.

Now playing

When the hope of morning starts to fade in me
I don’t dare let darkness have its way with me
And the hope of morning makes me worth the fight
I will not be giving in tonight