
Thanks, she was.

Mostly I just can’t believe that the complexity of the universe could have been a random event. I’m of the mind that science and god don’t have to argue; science is the toolbox that we are just beginning to understand. And largely I’m in agreement, but not every religious person is like that.

Yep. Because they are “men of god”. Cults arent just the wacky little groups...

There are only two ways, and sadly, neither of them will ever happen. A violent revolution, or getting every woman to vote in her own interest. Unfortunately, that means not voting for conservative candidates.

When we become the legal property of men. That's basically what these ass clowns want.

Oh it did well on X1. All my friends are playing, and everywhere I go to farm kills is crowded already.

I’d say go for both. These morons need all the scorn they can get.

I used to be. Up to the PS2 era, thats about all I played. But the online era I shifted. Multiplayer became more important than single player and I just had less and less time for big JRPG’s.

Console exclusive parts of multiplatform games are lame. Console exclusive games, however, are what sell systems.

Unless they allowed them to continue making the games they were normally, just ensuring they were on the xbox and in the US. Hell I'd settle for them just having an ititiative to help japanese publishers localize games on the xbox outside of Japan.

I know you can in those.

Microsoft needs to drag their gigantic checkbook to Japan and just buy a few major developers. Imagine if Namco, Capcom, Koei Tecmo or square were Xbox and PC exclusive.

Can you use Fultoned soldiers? Don't want to be stuck with some dude >_<

What purpose does the character customization at the start serve? If that's how you're stuck looking in Online, I will be very, very upset.

About half and half lol. But I know Ive been blessed to have that much. Thanks.

Not sure if it fits the criteria, but it’s probably my most importatant message on Live.

Mostly I’ve had good experiences with one of my local Gamestops and not so good with the other.

I just don’t see it. In my group of friends (four couples, three female and one male, not counting myself and my partner) only one woman “looks the part” and thats deliberate, as she works on motorcycles for a living. We definately get hit on often enough.

People outside the US do the same thing to us all the time, and it’s ridiculous both ways