
and how is this related to autos?

Owen be objective and leave your feelings out of the story. You open by saying “electric menace” which you need to elaborate what is menacing about the truck. Brick like from end? What truck doesn’t? If anything the wedge shape is better for pedestrians. We all know you guys hate anything Tesla! I know this will live

Another negative story not surprising. The discount is on demos...

Just another negative story on Tesla... Keep them coming! One day Jalopnik will be dead and Tesla will just keep innovating. Doubt this will get approved so you can stay in your echo chamber.

Echo chamber of Tesla haters! Step outside of your political lens...

You have no clue what a fascist is rather its just a word to throw around

Why do you list the Cybertruck dual motor as $82,235? List is $79,990 + destination + Tax + Title & License. The list must stay below 80k to qualify for the tax credit. Is your hate for Tesla so deep that any way to paint it poorly you tack on fees to the price? The single motor when available is going to be $59,990.

Speak for yourself Andy, this boomer will out tech you any day!

Totally pointless videos... next drive it off a cliff and save us time.

Another Tesla hating story. Boring!

How many vehicles actually had to go to a service center for the so call recall? Probably less than 10% since the updates were corrected via OTA updates.

Can any journalist just do a decent report anymore? Put you biases aside for a couple of minutes for once.

How can it be a recall if its fixed via an OTA update?

Pointless article and a waste our time...

Is the auto industry a little slow these days? Why a opinion piece on a military raid? Have you served your country? I don’t think you’d have the courage to do what these fine men do.

Fuck you!

Get over it cry baby!

Immaculate Reception...

Not at all....

Direct design ripoff of the C-5