
They should have walked away upon realizing no crime has been committed. Said sorry to have bothered you and stated such in the report. Document just that period with no name needed.

It’s the fucking principal of not having to show the damn thing. I don’t care if they put john doe in the paperwork it’s none of my concern. The guy should has said no and went along his mary way.

They could just walk away after seeing it was not a valid problem and inconveniencing the man further. Also, telling the kid to get back in the car was not necessary either!

Your entitled to an opinion but to assume a “sovereign citizen” is moronic to stand up for a perceived infringement on ones rights is moronic. Everything must not be documented ad nauseam as the police usually do.

Is this sports? this statement stinks Timothy!! Jealousof their wealth are you? You will not admit that so I retract that question...

Why does the sign behind you state 834 mile driven when in your article you state 830 miles driven?


I don't think this is a flop at all. The other players were driving and I think he's just trying to split the two but then watch the feet, He gets tripped up and falls

I have a HTC One X and live in the Detroit metro area and have achieved constant download speeds of 32mb and uploads of 18mb. Faster then Comcast's 22mb DL & 4MB up.

North of San Simon along highway 1 is my best guess...