
Oh, I'm a big believer in 'you do you' with regards to your body hair. If you love shaving your face?

Yes, I was also shocked to learn that mammals have hair. Shocked.

I don't think you're qualified to be judging other people's apologies considering how terrible you are at them yourself.

In my experience, people who haven't dealt with any kind of addiction or a loved one with addiction imagine it to be preventable by the individual and not by the system. They like to blame the person because it makes them feel better. They get to say, "I would never do something like that. That person was

How much if his story do you know? He was clean for ages and the relapsed, so it's not like he simply ignored his addiction and did nothing about it.

"The saddest part of PSH's death is that he wasted incredible talent by becoming a fucking cliche."

For those of us who are on Facebook and Twitter today who have also lost loved ones to heroin overdose regardless of however many people have died that way before them, seeing shit like this is not only totally retraumatizing, but trivializing, insulting, and deeply hurtful.

My brother wasn't stupid. His death wasn't

I'm sorry.

OR we can just speculate more despite the fact that we have no fucking idea which is actually the case. SURE LET'S DO THAT.

I already have my tickets to see Coriolanus at my nearest simulcast-theatre. I loved Frankenstein, and I am hoping this is even better.

Ben Whishaw is sublime in everything. Seriously, I'm not entirely convinced he's human. He's got more charisma and presence than any one person should be allowed to have.

I much preferred him as Hal to his King Henry. I guess that means I'd like to go out drinking with him.

I think some of the individual scenes are really great, but a little Falstaff goes a long way. Any Shakespeare adapted to fill will make considerable cuts, and I think they could have cut more Falstaff and been just fine.

I'm a huge Hiddleston fan, and I will openly admit that the Henrys were not the strongest part of that series. Ben Whishaw absolutely killed it in Richard II. I like the Henry plays, but they got sort of dragged down by Falstaff, who is way over the top, and Jeremy Irons, who godzilla'd his way through his lines.

Technically correct is the best kind of correct. To the bureaucrats of the year 3000, at least.

heh I would have liked that one. Not sure if you saw, but I edited my initial response, and do agree with ya on thinking it over a bit. Still, grinds my gears when I see articles like this.

Edit: I do agree with you that it is "technically correct," but that doesn't make it any less terrible a title, yeah. The title should be, "Educated Woman Who Drink Have Better Behaved Kids," but that wouldn't have the zing of what they put up there, but I get ya.

They're basically saying outright it is just a correlation. It isn't the wine that leads to more adjusted children... It's the mothers.

As always, correlation != causation.