
I cannot imagine any reason for doing this that is not awful. If it was to draw attention to this type of behaviour, it was incredibly poorly executed.

Now playing

It's true he beat Napoleon but was, as you say, mostly a dead loss.

Not at present and I would think it's unlikely to get picked up by any US channels. I haven't heard much about it since it aired, other than from Boy George. Channel 4 documentaries tend to be a bit hit-and-miss.

When I was at university, one of the posters in the Design department said that triangles were "frightening." Academia is onto them.

This is what makes a mockery of his won't-somebody-think-of-the-children! rhetoric. I knew about and had seen Page 3 from a very young age, despite my not wanting to and none of the adults I knew buying it.

Yes, I remember seeing interviews with jurors in a high profile US case on TV when I was a kid. I was totally stunned that it was legal.

It is the same in the UK: a juror speaking to anyone (other than the other jurors in the deliberation room) about proceedings in the court room, even after the trial, is in contempt of court.

Please, no. I had assumed that there was a limit to the amount of news one could generate from a baby not being born yet. They appear to be testing my hypothesis.

Now playing

I vote for a good old-fashioned Victorian name.

And how does that affect you? I'm sure other people think some things you enjoy are ridiculous. People having different tastes and interests to you isn't a personal affront.

Why does every group or subculture have to be disparaged?

I agree with you in principle, but I think it's a matter of trying to fight one battle at a time. If you make it bright primary colours, it might alienate part of your potential (parent) market who think it doesn't look like a toy for girls. You're also up against kids' social conditioning who might not want it, or

It's an especially good trick, being that I've been vegetarian my whole life! My mum was vegetarian for about ten years before she had me. So I guess I'm running on inherited nutrients from the seventies? There must be a fairly large population in India running on positively antique, if not ancient, nutrients...

Good point, directly asking people about their thought processes in public possibly isn't the most reliable survey!

I do this as well. We were asked if we thought this way on a training course at work and I was a bit surprised to be the only one who raised their hand.

Yeah, I've jacked it in now. He stopped even making a stab at engaging with the content of the argument and reverted to claiming that everyone other than himself has a personality disorder. It's significantly less interesting.

Clinging to one position despite all evidence to the contrary is the definition of delusion. And with that in mind, I don't feel it is constructive to continue this discussion until you are willing, or able, to engage in rational debate.

Thanks for the recommendations! Alison Weir sounds more up my street, so will give her work a go first. I've been looking at the books in my local library, but from a position of complete ignorance, it's kind of hard to know where to start!