My name is Rosamund because my mother saw fit to name me after Henry II's mistress.
My name is Rosamund because my mother saw fit to name me after Henry II's mistress.
Your specific metabolic information is not necessary to establish that 300 g of protein per day is unnecessarily high, unless - as I stated - you weigh at least 440 lbs and are at the higher end of protein requirements. If you insist that you require the same amount of protein as an elite athlete, I am entirely…
To be honest, I am having quite a nice time researching things. Although he has been invariably wrong, it's quite interesting finding out exactly how. I've learned things, albeit not directly from the arguments put to me. Or maybe that's just the effect of "STARVING" for 24 years?
And yet, you couldn't manage to copy and paste the URL of these calculators, so it could be verified that they exist, that they're scientifically and mathematically sound, and so it could be checked that you're using it correctly.
I know we're using this as an excuse to talk about our wedding pre-planning or lack thereof, but the results of this survey are very likely to be affected by self-selection bias and therefore not representative of the general population of British women.
This study of people with a high protein intake, defined as at least 1.5g of protein per kg of subject per day, found no beneficial or serious deleterious effects on health outcomes except in patients already suffering from renal complications in whom high protein intake accelerates progression of renal disease. If…
If you had read my sources, you would have seen that in the Oxford vegetarian study subjects were monitored for 12 years. (And thus avoided asserting something so immediately disprovable.)
Thanks! You can but try to reason.
In my experience, there is a lot of misrepresentation of fact both in favour of and against vegan and other diets. Advocates tend to wildly exaggerate the health benefits of a given diet, while opponents insist that it will massively reduce quality and/or length of life. Certainly in the case of vegetarian and vegan…
I did look things up myself, as you can see from the sources linked in my response. Unfortunately we appear to be at cross-purposes; I had assumed you were interested in the truth.
Name-dropping psychologists isn't generally considered a citation.
I am adding "That's miasma!" to my list of catchphrases. Right up there with "That's entropy!"
Would you care to provide sources for that anecdata?
I have basically the opposite issue. If he's into me in a casual capacity, all systems go! If it seems like he's interested in a relationship, I'm suddenly not interested. This happens even after I've spent ages crushing and pondering how wonderful our relationship will be. It's incredibly counter-productive and makes…
You're absolutely right. I was aware that life expectancy at birth was hugely affected by infant and childhood death, but for some reason thought life expectancy at adulthood was lower than would allow a significant proportion of women to experience menopause. A little investigation could have shown me otherwise!
As the others have said, pretty much everyone goes through this so you're by no means on your own. Especially if this is your first time living abroad, you need time to adjust to being "a foreigner" and finding things slightly more difficult and less intuitive than they were before.
Many years ago, my mother and I were asked to leave a men-only bar where we were trying to watch football. Because men-only bars were (and, as far as I am aware, still are) entirely legal in Malaysia, we didn't have much chance of winning on that count, so we retaliated the best way we could. We got a couple of…
It's also worthy of note that, regardless of the quote from the author (which might seem more balanced in context), the paper itself doesn't claim to put forward evidence that this is definitely what happened. The paper supports the plausibility of the hypothesis, based on assumptions which are clearly stated.
That seems likely and was probably the case for most women until relatively recently. Being that humans are born with all the egg cells they're ever going to have, wouldn't it stand to reason that rapid increases in life expectancy would make menopause an unavoidable consequence?
Bush was applying the term to a population though. It may not be perfect use of the term, but I could believe he would use the word with that intent.