I know the CFL has it's own set of quirks, but just like the NFL, they really need to get rid of the red skins.
I know the CFL has it's own set of quirks, but just like the NFL, they really need to get rid of the red skins.
I'm going to have to agree with Vandy on this one. They absolutely should be at the bottom of the ocean.
I'm not a big fan of Founder's All Day or Stone's Go-To Session IPAs. They both finish kinda lager-y for me. They lure you in with the hoppy aromas and decent start, but the finish is lacking, if not off-putting. On the other hand, Lagunitas' Day Time "Fractional IPA" is the truth. (Well, as much as a weak IPA can…
It's good to see these guys bringing a blue-collar approach to the job.
Seeing as GB was able to bring back a couple of key players, perhaps they'll be able to selvedge the season.
Thanks for the update Kyle, but I don't see the numbers on how many police you guys have shot so far.
We feel that strategically shifting the time of this show will... provide access to a broader audience
The network just released this brief statement
"He's right. When your offense can't get things going, that's all you really can do, y'know? Just keep taking shots."
And to think, it's usually *these* assholes who bitch non-stop on Hannity about too much pork.
The last Oaked I had (Dec. 2013) tasted like ass. More specifically, like Robitussin.
Oldest trick in the book.
Three cars were reportedly set on fire.
You'd figure, out of anyone, *he* would understand the gravity of his decisions.