But But But Bob Lazar and Gr Gra Gravity A and B manipulation using element 115 as a power source
But But But Bob Lazar and Gr Gra Gravity A and B manipulation using element 115 as a power source
Everyones failed to mention this ... The GTR is a Stage 3 Lichfield rocking 860bhp
That's because you have the cabrio ... I own one and the standard hatchback boot is the biggest in it's class
It's because Americans are so easily offended, If the word shit was played on a radio in the states people would ring in complaining
So basically if the Cops didn't show up and cause everyone to scatter/run there would have been less crashes
Also having a Mustang as the main lead car is just an act of American symbolism and patriotism.
Can confirm Ds3's not reliable - Two Year old car - Two New Clutches, A Flywheel and new sets of disks and pads.
After watching the Top Gear India Special you can see why so many people die
For the Love of God Chevy SELL THEM AS RHD
But what you find is the rebranded models ie Skoda and Seat are much better value for money compared to their counterparts.
Nearly every Taxi in Belfast, Northern Ireland is a Scoda
Will you be bringing any Right-Hand-Drive models to the U.K. or Australia ?
I taught I taw one down at da dealersheep
I'm from Northern Ireland ... British and Irish, the irish influence has obviously won pronunciation wise
Can confirm I drive one and have had a million problems
pyu-jo , Sit-ro-in, ren-alt there
Try telling everyone in the U.K. and Ireland that it's not Hy-un-dai, even the ads here pronounce it that way along with the dealerships.
This is the best part about having you on these sites and Reddit as well
The Gee-yardo....haha silly American